Open to opinions on my diet, suggestions welcome!

So I'd like some insight and opinions on my diet, I don't have a tone of weight to lose I just want to be healthy and happy!

I'm 26, 182lbs currently and 6 foot tall. I'd like to be closer to 170-165 (I've developed a small gut) so I've been on a 1590 calorie limit for the past few weeks and try to get in at least -400 worth of running/walking a day to make that goal. Here is a typical meal plan for my average work day:

Breakfast: Multigrain cereal with 2% milk: 330 cal

first break at work: Apple or Banana and peanut butter crackers or protein bar: ~300 cal

Lunch: Ham and Cheese with hummus on wheat bread: 275 cal
(Plan on mixing this up with turkey, also add spinach on some occasions)

Second break: Low fat yogurt: ~100 cal

Dinner: Usually pretty light, but I eat anything from just some oatmeal with a banana mixed in, or a ham, egg and cheese on toast sandwich, to steak or chicken kabobs on the grill. Might also add a beer in there but usually stay around ~500 cal

I might have an extra banana or apple in there as well and get up to around 16-1700 total cal but burn off 300-400 with a 3 mile run/walk.

I would like an easy way to take some carbs out and add some protein and fat to my diet. I eat the cereal because it is quick and easy in the morning, and I'd like something easy to make to bring to work for my lunch. Any suggestions for other alternatives?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    heres what i would do, your diet doesnt differ too much from mine right now actually

    1st suggestion is to switch from the cereal to eggs for breakfast but if your set on cereal for convenience then leave that one

    eat nuts or stick with the protein bar for first break

    use 1 slice of bread and opt for extra meat on your sandwich, or eat crackers cheese and tuna/sardines

    switch to greek yogurt

    always try to have some sort of meat for dinner
  • Atticus_
    Atticus_ Posts: 11
    Those seem like some easy changes, I guess I just need to get up early and maybe be more efficient with cooking and I could get some eggs cooked up pretty quickly. (Just in my head it always seems it will take too long)

    I'm just now trying to teach myself to cook more. I live alone and don't keep much in the fridge. Hopefully I can change some of that soon!

    Thanks for the tips!
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    You could also try a protein shake in the morning for breakfast as well. That would get your protein up, especially if you don't want to make eggs or something else.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Change from running to resistance. Build muscle, burn fat, and you get to eat more.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Can't comment on your diet without knowing your macronutrient intake...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I agree with doing eggs in the morning. If worried about convenience, try boiled eggs. The fat is good for you.

    Cut out the sandwich for dinner and add in some veggies.