Walking Challenge question

When people do a walking challenge---how many are talking about specific set aside time to exercise, and how many are talking pedometer walking through the day??

Let me know!!



  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Do not know about the rest, but I go out for a walk, normaly 2 times a day. mornings and evenings. I never count the normal walking we do during the day.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Not sure because I don't walk, I run. LOL!
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    I usually count just the exercise walking too. With one exception, cutting the grass.

    Amarillo_NDN- Where did you get the animated little walking guy? Its really cute, I want one too. You've done a great job with your goals by-the-way.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    My vote, do what motivates you! :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    When I do a walking challenge I am talking about a specific exercise routine or time, not the walking I do throughout the day--unless the challenge is set up to increase steps taken in a normal day.

    Most of my walking is done to Leslie Sansone's videos (inside) or to some walking programs I have on my cell phone.

    BTW--there is a walking challenge starting tomorrow on Leslie Sansone's Facebook page, if you'd like to check it out:
