Trying to get to it...

Hello everyone!

I'm new to this Blog and keeping track and being responsible for my eating habits. I used to be a top athlete at the high school and college levels, but life (i know it's an excuse ...but) got in the way. I no longer have the motivation from my teammates. Also, not chasing boys around anymore has made me not care as much. But i don't want that to get away from me. Just looking for support and motivation to be a better me. Maybe small challenges here and there with some other people (i am VERY competitive.) Just looking forward to being a better me.

Looking forward to meeting and helping others in my quest for the healthier me!


  • Ditndotsmom
    Ditndotsmom Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it Emily. I'm the exact opposite. I've never been an athlete. But I've been on a long weight loss journey. Start small is my advice and make small commitments.