Starting over!

sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I need a new life...a friend of mine just passed from cancer and it's made me reallize how fragile life is..i'm currently 5 foot and weigh 173lbs...i don't look what i would consider obese, but i am def. bigger than i'd like to be...and i'm tired of people telling me i don't need to lose weight, based on what they see...i'm not happy and i want to be and to live a long and healthy life! I started a healthier diet today and i'm planning on doing jillian michaels 30 day shred! I've heard great things about it...also walking when i need the extra exercise. No caffeine, alcohol, or sweets in my diet anymore! I'm looking to lose 53lbs total...:tongue:


  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss.
    I found this site a few days ago and decided it would be a great tool to add to the program I just stated.
    I had knee surgery about a month ago but had to wait almost 6 months before it could be done (long story) but now have to reverse the weight. I joined a gym and found that working out got me threw a lot of emotions. If I am mad, depressed, fed up ect I go. I even learned that when I want to celebrate I turn to the gym. I use it more as a crutch. This is a hard time for you getting over a friends death, but having something to help you get thew it (where you can benefit completely in your grieving) will make you stronger. Good luck! This is a great site.
  • sheaz85
    sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks! I just am a person who def. need support! I can't do this kind of thing alone...hope you are able to lose the weight you hope to!
  • Losing a friend is very hard and its easy to turn the grief and pain into negative changes. After my best friend was killed, I struggled and I put a lot of weight on after comfort eating my way out of depression. Ended up at one point having to buy in 5xl t-shirts from america. Finally down to xl/xxl now but I still have a long way to go to get healthy.

    The fact you can turn all the negativity into something positive to change in your life I'm sure your friend could not have asked for a better tribute.

    I wish you all the best in the world and I am sorry for your loss.
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome to the site.
    You're looking in the right place for help and support
    We are all here doing it with you
    Good Luck!
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