30Day Shred VS 6W6P - Advice/Opinion

Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
I'm just wondering if anyone had any advice on 30Day Shred VS 6W6P. I'm just about to start day 11 of 30 day shred when I found 6 week 6 pack. I have a lot of fat to loose and it is all in my belly. I was wondering should I continued with 30DS and then start 6W6P once I am finished with the first video, should I stop 30DS and start 6W6P and go back to the other dvd later, do 30DS two days a week and 6W6P two days a week taking 3 rest days or should I do 30DS one day and then 6W6P the next taking one rest day a week?

Anyone have suggestions on what I should do. Part of me feels like if I started the video then I should finish it first other part thinks it would benefit me more to concentrate on my core.


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    When you're lose fat, it comes from all over your body. There's no way to concentrate the fat loss from one area. So working your abs won't make you lose belly fat any faster.

    Personally, I would stick to the current workout and have the other lined up for variety later.
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    When you're lose fat, it comes from all over your body. There's no way to concentrate the fat loss from one area. So working your abs won't make you lose belly fat any faster.

    Personally, I would stick to the current workout and have the other lined up for variety later.

    Would be great it we could though!

    I completely agree. Stick to what you're doing! Working your abs will just make your abdominal muscles bigger, it won't target the belly fat. Good luck and I wish you the best!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    30DS & 6W6P are both circuit training. 6W6P have workouts that are slightly longer, so you should burn more calories doing those.


    Regular strength training (no cardio intervals) may be more effective later on.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Unless you are looking for variety for your own personal reasons, I would suggest finishing the DVD you're on, and then moving the next one.

    I have both of these dvd's, and they both are great. I am a person who can't do the same video numerous days in a row because I get bored quick and I need more variety. If that's the case for you, switch them up between the two videos. Otherwise, you will be able to track the progress from each individual video if you stick on the path you've already started.

    Best of luck!