Banana Girl



  • EvelineUK
    EvelineUK Posts: 97
    I sometimes watch people who follow a 'raw' diet on Youtube and I'm always amazed at how much they have to eat in order to keep their calorie intake up. Who has the time to sit there and eat that many bananas or mangoes or whatever fruit is on the menu that day? Not only that, that much produce (and they often go for organic) isn't cheap, and you have to go shopping often in order to get it fresh.

    I have to say, I watch it for the entertainment value. Usually while having a cheese and honey toastie. ;)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member

    I know a girl who is a raw till 4 vegan and she basically only eats fruit and veg, and sometimes rice and potatoes.

    She eats over 3500 calories a day, with little protein or fat, the majority of which are 'mono-meal' and has lost body fat as well as increasing strength.

    I call BS on this!
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I sometimes watch people who follow a 'raw' diet on Youtube and I'm always amazed at how much they have to eat in order to keep their calorie intake up. Who has the time to sit there and eat that many bananas or mangoes or whatever fruit is on the menu that day? Not only that, that much produce (and they often go for organic) isn't cheap, and you have to go shopping often in order to get it fresh.

    I have to say, I watch it for the entertainment value. Usually while having a cheese and honey toastie. ;)

    It's interesting to me because they're, like, look at all this food I can eat and I'm still skinny! But then you find out they run or bike for at least an hour a day.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    Happy to be back here on MFP! Check out my blog about how MFP helped me lose the pounds:



    Are you the TOM I hear so much about on here? Why won't you let women exercise?

    Oh my!!! Rolling on the floor laughing!! Yep this comment was worth typing out the whole saying and not just the acronyms.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I eat a banana a day....but its forced down. They are snot sticks.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I sometimes watch people who follow a 'raw' diet on Youtube and I'm always amazed at how much they have to eat in order to keep their calorie intake up. Who has the time to sit there and eat that many bananas or mangoes or whatever fruit is on the menu that day? Not only that, that much produce (and they often go for organic) isn't cheap, and you have to go shopping often in order to get it fresh.

    I have to say, I watch it for the entertainment value. Usually while having a cheese and honey toastie. ;)

    It's interesting to me because they're, like, look at all this food I can eat and I'm still skinny! But then you find out they run or bike for at least an hour a day.
    Plus the stuff they eat is so low in calories to begin with.
    Like Wow! I can eat 20 kilos of green lettuce a day and lose weight. But who the hell wants to do that? Besides I think too many micronutrients isn't that healthy either.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I've never heard of her but I now feel like I should watch her videos for entertainment.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I actually take in about 17-2000 calories a day. When I eat bananas. But I also burn about 3-400cals in work outs plus drink about 3 liters of water a day if not more.. I've lost about 2-3lbs of water weight. I haven't noticed much significant anything but I am only trying this out.

    Not long term....

    we'll see don't knock it til you try it I guess.

    I'm going to knock it, and i will never try it.

    I will continue eating my one banana most every day, along with my cookies, and pudding.

    Good luck with your short term fad diet!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So I actually started this about 3 days ago. I don't however eat 51 bananas. That is excessive. Glad she can do it! I eat about 10-15, my reasoning is that I make really poor food choices a lot.. and I also eat things that have little to no calories. They are good for me, but... just not filling nor do they sustain me through out the day. The bananas kill my hunger, keep me full, give out tons of sugar to keep me going, and usually curb my sweet tooth. Idk if you should eat only bananas... or like she does eat potatos and such but at the same time if you eat nothing else but fruits and veggies, what can a potato really do to you? Lol...

    Hope this is insightful.
    If I were you I would watch her youtube videos before forming an opinion though, the articles only tell one side..

    You do realize the satiatery rating of a banana is pretty much that of a cookie right?

    Do you think I could popularize a 30 Cookies a Day diet? Nilbogger, The Cookie Lady. Hmmm...

    Well I'm already turning into the oreo's and ice cream lady...

    and/or pizza and beer bith*c so I mean go for it. why not- life's to short to not take on a name and make it popular!!! :D
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I have heard of her & I briefly read about her. Supposedly she is in "recovery" from an eating disorder. But, I think she just traded eating disorders.

    Don't care what she says... it's too much sugar and potassium.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Banana girl my banana. 50? I eat 500.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I eat a banana a day....but its forced down. They are snot sticks.

    Mmm I love bananas, but the thought of eating twenty at a time makes me throw up in my mouth a little.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    So I actually started this about 3 days ago. I don't however eat 51 bananas. That is excessive. Glad she can do it! I eat about 10-15, my reasoning is that I make really poor food choices a lot.. and I also eat things that have little to no calories. They are good for me, but... just not filling nor do they sustain me through out the day. The bananas kill my hunger, keep me full, give out tons of sugar to keep me going, and usually curb my sweet tooth. Idk if you should eat only bananas... or like she does eat potatos and such but at the same time if you eat nothing else but fruits and veggies, what can a potato really do to you? Lol...

    Hope this is insightful.
    If I were you I would watch her youtube videos before forming an opinion though, the articles only tell one side..

    You do realize the satiatery rating of a banana is pretty much that of a cookie right?

    That's what I think too. Especially very ripe bananas.
  • OliviaYogi
    Sorry for the lengthiness of this post, but I couldn't help myself:
    I followed a (mostly) raw fruitarian diet that included boiled beans (which is kind-of, sort-of cheating if you were to ask a die-hard raw dieter) for the first 5 months of this year. Granted, I varied what I consumed to include a large variety of different fruits and became creative with meal ideas, so bananas were not my main source of nutrition. Most squashes, beans and many commonly labeled "vegetables" - including tomatoes, peppers, avocados, etc. - are really the fruit of a plant. The theory behind fruitarianism is that no living beings are being harmed by one's diet, not even plants - live and let live. Biologically, plants produce fruits as a way to better spread their seeds and increase their species' chance of survival. The sweet fruit-meat around the seed is an incentive for foraging animals to digest said fruit and either discard the seed during consumption (i.e. avocado pits) or digest the seed and later discard within the animal's feces (common with plants with miniscule, easily digestible seeds). This gives the plant an evolutionary incentive as it disperses the seeds over more land, and thus accumulates a better chance for subsequent, successful plants to grow and bloom. Often seeds need a reaction to occur before they can germinate, and the journey through an animal's digestive system provides for this in many cases. To really aid in a plants ability to populate the planet, one should **** in the woods. I add that as a joke, but it is the truth.

    My experience was a good one and I plan to try to stay on a fruitarian diet for longer in the future. It was difficult, but it was a great discipline builder and it helped me reach all of my body goals. I lost 8% body fat, maintained a healthy BMI, was able to exercise for 2hrs/day, 6 days/wk without fatigue, my energy greatly increased and I was finally able to say no to processed foods. I was very careful with which fruits I chose, and mostly relied on beans and avocados to cover my fat and protein needs. Unfortunately, I was not using mfp during this time so I am not exactly sure on total daily calorie consumption. I would recommend the diet to anyone that is willing to pay close attention to their bodies and spend a lot of time each week on food plans.
  • amykr93
    amykr93 Posts: 65

    I know a girl who is a raw till 4 vegan and she basically only eats fruit and veg, and sometimes rice and potatoes.

    She eats over 3500 calories a day, with little protein or fat, the majority of which are 'mono-meal' and has lost body fat as well as increasing strength.

    I call BS on this!

    I'm not sure whether she's lying or what but here
  • NahrasWay
    NahrasWay Posts: 78 Member
    I think I would go bankrupt. Fruit so expensive >.<
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member

    I know a girl who is a raw till 4 vegan and she basically only eats fruit and veg, and sometimes rice and potatoes.

    She eats over 3500 calories a day, with little protein or fat, the majority of which are 'mono-meal' and has lost body fat as well as increasing strength.

    I call BS on this!

    I'm not sure whether she's lying or what but here

    None of this proves it to be true....the interwebs is full of lies.

    I choose to disregard this due to science!
  • EvelineUK
    EvelineUK Posts: 97
    There have been two documentaries in Holland about a woman who raises her son on raw-only food. When asked if he'd never had warm food at all he said 'Well, sometimes.. if mum turns the blender up a bit too high....' Awwww!
    Turned out he was far too short for his age, and had other problems that had doctors worried. Social services even got involved because mum took him out of school, saying it was the wrong environment for a 'raw' boy... Not sure how he's doing now, but I felt very sorry for him.