Dieting and exercising suggestions

Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the community and myfitnesspal in general but I can see that the interaction in forums is pretty active.

I would like to seek some help from all of you or from someone you know that have a similar case to mine.

I'm 28, 5´7 (1.71 cm) male, weighing 69.6 kg (aprox 153 lb) with around 16.9% fat from my last gym/nutrionist evaluation.

Started going to the gym in november 2013 to work out in different weight lifting and cardio exercises. I was't very consistent until a couple of months ago (I know, waste of time), because I have to admit, there were months where I would "eat and exercise well" but had negative results as in muscle loss and/or no fat loss. After calling up a nutrionist, she cooked up a diet for me where I told her that my main goal was to get rid of all the fat possible while not burning away any muscle. She also recommended at that point to mainly concentrate on losing fat rather than building muscle. All this was around January and after a month of recovering from a knee injury, started back up in February slowly to finally execute the diet and exercising program at its fullest since March. Since my evaluation in January at 21.9% body fat, i've accomplished a 16.9% like I said before. Additionaly, gained 600 grams of lean mass, different from my usual and previous 200gr muscle loss the 2 months before.

I typically consume between 130-150 gr of protein, between 100-200 gr of carbs and aprox 30 gr of fat a day in a 1550 calories a day diet. The carbs are mostly in 140 in average but am trying to bump them up a bit. The protein and fat stay withing their range/limits. I use Syntrax Whey Shake Proteing 23g as a supplement. Recently incorporated a cheat day if I get too cravy (is that a word?).

My exercise routine consists of 3 days work out and 2 days rest. The first day comes with a HIIT (cycling class) for 45 mins. Second day consists of chest, tricep and leg weight training and the third and last day consists of shoulder and back weight training. I am averaging around 40-50 lb in each weight training exercise. I only warm up for 10 mins each weight training days, no additional cardio.

With most of my data posted, I would like your suggestions. I was thinking of upping my calories to maybe start gaining a bit of muscle but am not too sure. Ive been recommended not too and keep with the fat loss program. Was also thinking of changing my exercise days to only working out on weekdays and leave the weekends for resting.

Some more direct questions:

Should I stay with the 1550 calorie diet and carb/prot/fat quantities I mentioned?
At what body fat % would you guys recommend me start focusing on muscle building?
Could I start trying to gain some lean muscle while still losing fat?
Should I reschedule my exercising days to 5 a week always? What would you recommend? Maybe switch up the cardio?

I really appreciate any help you guys can give me,and apologize in advance for the screaming wall of text! lol

Thanks to all!