1550 calorie diet help

I'm 28, 5´7 (1.71 cm) male, weighing 69.6 kg (aprox 153 lb) with around 16.9% body fat from my last gym/nutrionist evaluation. (down from 21.9%). I typically consume between 130-150 gr of protein, between 100-200 gr of carbs and aprox 30 gr of fat a day in a 1550 calories a day diet. The carbs are mostly in 140 in average but am trying to bump them up a bit. The protein and fat stay withing their range/limits. I use Syntrax Whey Shake Proteing 23g as a supplement. Recently incorporated a cheat day if I get too cravy (is that a word?).

I exercise for three days with two rest days: First day comes with a HIIT (cycling class) for 45 mins. Second day consists of chest, tricep and leg weight training and the third and last day consists of shoulder and back weight training. I am averaging around 40-50 lb (3-4 sets of 15 reps) in each weight training exercise. I only warm up for 10 mins each weight training days, no additional cardio. So...

Should I stay with the 1550 calorie diet and carb/prot/fat quantities I mentioned?
At what body fat % would you guys recommend me start focusing on muscle building?
Could I start trying to gain some lean muscle while still losing fat?
Should I reschedule my exercising days to 5 a week always? What would you recommend? Maybe switch up the cardio?

My goal is 10% body fat but also gain lean muscle!
Thanks to all!