Number of calories?

Although I signed up some time ago,I've just now decided to use the site. How do I get questions answered? How do I know if a post I made has had a reply? Years ago when I lost weight at WW they had me on 1500 calories a day this site says 1200 which is what my friend was on and she weighed way less than me and had much less to lose.
How to I find friends? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you:smile:


  • jjwilde265
    jjwilde265 Posts: 19 Member
    just keep using the site and you'll make friends. it sends you emails everytime you get a reply. and as for the number of calories I find it's mostly trial and error. if your not losing your eating too much or if it's going too fast and you feel awful then try a few more. it's an ongoing process. whatever works for you. :-)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    At the top of the boards where you see Home Recent Posts My Topics Settings and Search, if you click on My Topics you'll see all of the posts you've started as well as anything you've added a response to. You can check there to see if any of your posts have new replies.

    1200 is the lowest number that MFP will give you for a calorie goal, so a lot of people end up there. Remember that the site expects you to log any exercise that you do and will give you more calories as you earn them.

    These are two really great posts to get you pointed in the right direction:
  • ilovtommy
    ilovtommy Posts: 6 Member
    Bless you and thanks