When's the best time to weigh yourself?

I've received different answers from different people when asking this question, but generally when do you guys find the best time of day is to weigh yourself, and also how often should you?


  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    What works for times & how often vary from person to person. For me I like to weigh in the mornings, my wight fluctuates throughout the day and I find the mornings to be the most consistent. I like to say I only weigh in once a week, but I've been sneaking 1 or 2 extra days a week in, because I"m curious. Some people weigh everyday, others only every month or two, others not at all. Some find weighing everyday can mess with their minds, others it helps keep them on track.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    When's the best time to weigh yourself?

    A: At the same time and under the same circumstances each week.

    Weight isn't so much about one static number...but about ranges and trends.

    Your weight fluctuates constantly - daily, heck probably even hourly based on what you're doing, what you've eaten, bowel movements, etc. So do it the same time each week, under the same circumstances, and analyze the trends (are you gaining/losing/maintaining? Does your weight tend to fluctuate +/- 3 or 4 lbs of a given weight?) etc.
  • kiii3
    kiii3 Posts: 10
    I weigh in the mornings too, before breakfast usually. To be honest I tend to weigh every day at the moment, when I see a loss it keeps me motivated and if my weight is the same as the day before I'm even more committed that day. There are bad points though such as progress seeming really slow. I know people who only weigh once a week feel happier as they see big losses than people who weigh more regularly.
  • dahern1
    dahern1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the replies guys. I've noticed the fluctuations and they're often annoying because I can never tell if I've lost or gained it.