low carb, mod pro, hi fat dinner recipes anyone?

mitchL93 Posts: 4
As of tomorrow I'm going to be following a plan which is to supposed to benefit my endomorph body type and enhance my weight loss. The macro ratios are as follows; Protein 35% carbs 25% fats 40%. The fat sources consumed shall be a third saturated, a third polyunsaturated and the last third mufa. What i'm after is dinner ideas to keep things fresh and to keep me interested and on track. I already have my breakfast sorted as I eat the same thing everyday which is a dolce diet style breakfast bowl with chia seeds, oat bran, hemp seeds, flax seeds, coconut flakes and some form of nut butter. Lunch I will be using a meal replacement shake, as well as post workout. When it comes to dinners though I just can't use my noodle and pardon the pun. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated and if there's something you can recommend which you think I should know regarding my overall diet then please do. Thanks in advance


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    That's too much algebra for me.

  • cyncm
    cyncm Posts: 33 Member
    I think it would help if you look at the number of calories per day you're going to get out of 40% fat. I don't see that as a high fat diet. I'm doing 50g fat per day and that's at 30%. From what you're eating for breakfast I'd say you've got the polyunsaturates covered.

    Saturated - butter, coconut... Mono: olive, avocado... Good to check out a source of fats info.

    IMHO keeping protein up is the challenge but dinner is the easiest. Stick with the basics - depending on your calories per day, a lean protein source - if you fry it's safer to use saturated to avoid transfats, by the way - a carb source like brown rice, new potatoes, ww pasta, and a source of lots of green/yellow/red veg for vitamins too... just mix it up and forget recipes. Use herbs and spices - see the Food stream on that topic - or just stick to a bit of balsamic vinegar and garlic to add flavour.

    I can't imagine how your breakfast is going to be endurable day after day but hey it's all matter of personal taste.