Going backwards ???

Sooo..I've been doing MFP for almost 3 years now, I LOVE exercising, I run (7-9km), do weights and cardio at the gym, I have a cross-trainer at home plus I go on big walks with our german shepherd. I originally got down from 68kg to 61.5kg in the first year (took 6 weeks for the weight loss to START, and I had just about given up when all of a sudden it happened!).

I put heaps of friends onto it as it was just so EASY and some days I would go over, some days under, but in the end it all balanced out and was working FANTASTICALLY !!!!!

I did go up and down a bit, I looked a bit too lean at 61.5kg so was happy at 62.5, went up to around 64kg, then all of a sudden I'm up to 66.8kg and NOTHING I do is helping !!! :(

For the last month I've upped my exercise, doing a PT session once a fortnight to do something different, I'm eating pretty healthy trying to have lots of fruit/veges/good fats in my diet ....I refuse to live on steamed veges/fish etc for dinner as I have two young kids and I love cooking yummy (but healthy!) meals.

I've been sticking to my calories but nothing's happening ? I went down to 65.5kg a few days ago, then the next morning when I weighed myself was back up at 66.8kg again ??? WHAT ????!!!!

I'm 37 in August, I do feel that since I turned 35 it has gotten a lot harder - does anyone else have the same problem ??? It's frustrating as I can't fit any of my jeans from last year !!! waaaaaaaaa LOL.....


  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Your profile is on private and so most of us can't check your diary.

    Since it's common to lose muscle as we age, have you been doing heavy lifting in a mass building program in order to counterbalance that? That would allow you to eat more while still staying leaner.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    are you weighing your solids and measuring your liquids? eating back exercise calories? if so how much? and how are they measured? are you choosing correct entries?

    As for the age nope..I've lost all my weight in my 40's...after carrying it for 20 years.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Sooo..I've been doing MFP for almost 3 years now, I LOVE exercising, I run (7-9km), do weights and cardio at the gym, I have a cross-trainer at home plus I go on big walks with our german shepherd. I originally got down from 68kg to 61.5kg in the first year (took 6 weeks for the weight loss to START, and I had just about given up when all of a sudden it happened!).

    I put heaps of friends onto it as it was just so EASY and some days I would go over, some days under, but in the end it all balanced out and was working FANTASTICALLY !!!!!

    I did go up and down a bit, I looked a bit too lean at 61.5kg so was happy at 62.5, went up to around 64kg, then all of a sudden I'm up to 66.8kg and NOTHING I do is helping !!! :(

    For the last month I've upped my exercise, doing a PT session once a fortnight to do something different, I'm eating pretty healthy trying to have lots of fruit/veges/good fats in my diet ....I refuse to live on steamed veges/fish etc for dinner as I have two young kids and I love cooking yummy (but healthy!) meals.

    I've been sticking to my calories but nothing's happening ? I went down to 65.5kg a few days ago, then the next morning when I weighed myself was back up at 66.8kg again ??? WHAT ????!!!!

    I'm 37 in August, I do feel that since I turned 35 it has gotten a lot harder - does anyone else have the same problem ??? It's frustrating as I can't fit any of my jeans from last year !!! waaaaaaaaa LOL.....

    I think you should weigh yourself less, maybe once a week at the same time, if you think about it logically you say you weighed 65.5 kg and the next morning you weighed 66.8 kg, that is just short of 3 pounds in a day, this is not possible as an increase in fat

    if a pound is 3500 cal average you didnt eat over 10,000 calories in a day, i have put on 4 pounds in a weekend and then lost it all in 2 days, this didn't make any sense, my scales show a different figure if i use it twice in a row, hell i even lost 3 pounds when i moved it to another part of the room
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I have noticed that since my mid 30's after having a baby with 36, I can't keep the weight off. I must admit, that I may have not exercised as much as I used to, because of taking care of a child, but I kept running and biking (running stroller and bike trailer).
    Since the child is no older I have increased my exercise and don't loose anything, even with a deficit (yes, I weight my intake with a kitchen scale). I even count the nuts, grapes and others.....
    Now, I have used more drastic steps and finally I lost about 9lbs in May. That is the most I have lost in the last 2 years. I was in between down to 170, but never broke the threshold, which I just broke twice within the last 10 days. I will continue this quest until I get to my goal and then try to level it out and wean myself from what I am doing.
    As I stated before, my work performance and carrier depends on weight and inches. So I got to achieve this goal no matter what and how.

    Again, yes, with age I have noticed that I got to exercise more and eat much less to maintain or loose. Lucky you to all of you who can eat more then 1400 cals and still loose.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    Also, yes, I have seen these fluctations of 2-3 lbs even in a day. So it is water weight, food intake and digestion (bowl movements/urination), which influences your weight within 24 or 48 hours. I weigh myself up to 3-5 times a day (I guess I am a little obsessed right now :embarassed: ) and logging your weekly weight on the same day as your average.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    are you weighing your solids and measuring your liquids? eating back exercise calories? if so how much? and how are they measured? are you choosing correct entries?

    As for the age nope..I've lost all my weight in my 40's...after carrying it for 20 years.

    in fairness if she has been doing this for years i don't think we can put it down to stupidity
  • raj2208
    raj2208 Posts: 26
    Your profile is on private and so most of us can't check your diary.

    Since it's common to lose muscle as we age, have you been doing heavy lifting in a mass building program in order to counterbalance that? That would allow you to eat more while still staying leaner.
  • raj2208
    raj2208 Posts: 26
    Sorry new to this blog thing, not sure if I'm doing it right - have just changed settings so hopefully you can see now ?? - I have been doing weights since I was 14 yrs old, do them 2-3 times per week, I did a body sculpting competition back in 2004, my nutritionist back then said I had approx. 6 kg more muscle mass than a normal female my height/age - so don't think it's a question of muscle mass :( - wish it was that easy !
  • raj2208
    raj2208 Posts: 26
    Yes, I have been eating back my exercise calories but am going to stop that and see if it makes a difference - am also going to cut out my "treat" per day (usually have couple of rows of chocolate or a biscuit or something as I have a sweet tooth, and considering all the exercise I do felt I "deserved" it, but will cut those out too......)
  • raj2208
    raj2208 Posts: 26
    Sounds like me - can I ask what drastic measures you've taken to begin weight loss ?? was it just being extra strict, not eating exercise calories etc ?
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I am using 3-4 different weight loss supplements in combination (Lipozene, Hydroxicut - gummies, Relacore and Garcinia Cambogia) and take three to four times a week a laxative before I go to bed, even I don't have problems with my bowls. :devil: :huh:

    I know some of you will say they don't work, but I think in combination it seems to work. (It did for me). Non of it has caffein, so I won't get the shakes or heart palpations. With the Garcinia Cambogia ensure it doesn't have calcium in it, because calcium cancels it out. If you have to take medications with calcium, take them about 30-60 minutes apart.

    I give myself a break in between. On my days off I also hold off on the supplements. I ensure that I hydrate with enough water. (If you need a chap stick for your lips, because they are dry and flakey, you are probably not enough hydrated. Dry lips are a great indicater for that. I personally have never needed one and if they become dry I upper my water intake).

    I also uppered my protein and lowered my fat and carb intake. On some days I am still struggeling with it, especially if I had a long bike ride or run.

    My food log is open and on most days I logged even the supplements.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I am using 3-4 different weight loss supplements in combination (Lipozene, Hydroxicut - gummies, Relacore and Garcinia Cambogia) and take three to four times a week a laxative before I go to bed, even I don't have problems with my bowls.

    :noway: If you are losing weight it's because you are only eating 1125 (total) calories per day, and not the expensive cocktail of supplements plus laxatives.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I am using 3-4 different weight loss supplements in combination (Lipozene, Hydroxicut - gummies, Relacore and Garcinia Cambogia) and take three to four times a week a laxative before I go to bed, even I don't have problems with my bowls. :devil: :huh:

    I know some of you will say they don't work, but I think in combination it seems to work. (It did for me). Non of it has caffein, so I won't get the shakes or heart palpations. With the Garcinia Cambogia ensure it doesn't have calcium in it, because calcium cancels it out. If you have to take medications with calcium, take them about 30-60 minutes apart.

    I give myself a break in between. On my days off I also hold off on the supplements. I ensure that I hydrate with enough water. (If you need a chap stick for your lips, because they are dry and flakey, you are probably not enough hydrated. Dry lips are a great indicater for that. I personally have never needed one and if they become dry I upper my water intake).

    I also uppered my protein and lowered my fat and carb intake. On some days I am still struggeling with it, especially if I had a long bike ride or run.

    My food log is open and on most days I logged even the supplements.

    I find the chap stick thing intriguing. I need a constant chapstick but hey I drink between 2 and 4 litres of water a day.... so that is definitely not the case for me as I am perfectly hydrated, each person is different remember! I would think most would drink 2 litres per day while dieting but maybe I'm wrong
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am using 3-4 different weight loss supplements in combination (Lipozene, Hydroxicut - gummies, Relacore and Garcinia Cambogia) and take three to four times a week a laxative before I go to bed, even I don't have problems with my bowls.

    Laxative abuse is nothing to be proud of.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    are you weighing your solids and measuring your liquids? eating back exercise calories? if so how much? and how are they measured? are you choosing correct entries?

    As for the age nope..I've lost all my weight in my 40's...after carrying it for 20 years.

    in fairness if she has been doing this for years i don't think we can put it down to stupidity

    losing weight can happen without weighing solids...I have done it so it's not stupidity.

    To the OP...

    You should eat your exercise calories back at least some of them and you shouldn't have to give up your treats.

    You just need to log accurately and ensure you are in goal...

    Logging accurately means weighing solids...measuring liquids etc.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sounds like me - can I ask what drastic measures you've taken to begin weight loss ?? was it just being extra strict, not eating exercise calories etc ?

    drastic measures are not required...esp pills and laxatives.

    I am around your age and have lost this weight just counting calories...I exercise for health.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    are you weighing your solids and measuring your liquids? eating back exercise calories? if so how much? and how are they measured? are you choosing correct entries?

    As for the age nope..I've lost all my weight in my 40's...after carrying it for 20 years.

    in fairness if she has been doing this for years i don't think we can put it down to stupidity

    For the record , newbies of MFP, when most of us ask to see your diary, we do NOT think you're stupid. It helps give specialized advice, some random examples I have seen being:

    Log more consistently including cheats, restaurants, somebody else cooked, surprise party etc
    Eat a bit more food to fuel your body
    Hey that item is really high in sodium it could be masking your weight loss
    You're doing everything right, keep it up for a few more weeks and you really should see progress
    Eat more protein or xx macro
    Don't drink so many of your calories so that you can eat more food - try Y instead

    I'd just hate for anyone to think that when we make that request we're secretly snickering on what an idiot they must be. Because we're just not, okay :flowerforyou:
  • raj2208
    raj2208 Posts: 26
    Thanks for that :)
    Yes, I do log consistently and very honestly. I did have two months off logging a little while ago, as I had been logging daily for around 3/4 years ?? and thought I could do it on my own (NO!!!) ha h aha

    Which foods did you mean have high sodium? I haven't got that tab on my food diary - I will see if I can change so that I have extra tabs to see.

    What is xx macro?

    I have done a high protein/very low car/no fat diet for 8 months while dieting for body sculpting comp 10 years ago - I know that works - but really don't want to go back to the whole protein shakes/bars (so expensive and taste yuck!) and want to do it with natural foods - eggs/cheese/protein from fish/meat etc - but yeah perhaps I'm not getting enough protein - I don't check those as much as just the daily calorie total - will work on that !!

    Thanks for all your advice people - really really appreciate it cheers :)

    Am going to cut out my "treats" tee hee and see if that makes a difference - damn sweet tooth !!!! :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Lol no. Those were just examples of personalized advice we might give a user once we have had a chance to review their diary, and in no way means we think the user is stupid

    Do you weigh all your food? I see some really round numbers like 1/4 of an item or 50g of another. Are you putting these on a food scale to know what they weigh?

    Secondly I think your exercise calories may be a bit high, so make sure you're not eating all of them back

    Someone told me there was a more accurate equation for this, but it's the best I've got for a baseline, not to mention easy to remember, so there :tongue:

    NET calories burned walking: 0.3 X distance (miles) X weight (lbs). Replace .3 with .63 for 5mph+ jogging speeds

    So for example on your 9 minute per km or 14.4 minute per mile walk day when you burned 400 calories in 60 minutes ~4.167 miles walked, according to the equation you would need to weigh 320 lbs for that burn to be accurate and for eating back all the calories to not hinder your weight loss. Burn numbers from machines etc can also be inflated as well so you may need to take appropriate action. Many people account for this by only eating back about 50-75% of whatever they think their calories burned is

    Now I have to go review the thread in case you already said you weigh everything and don't eat back exercise calories.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    All caught up! Yes you may need to keep an eye on treat day (log!). If I did treat days with reckless abandon I can just forget about losing weight cos food's great!!

    But I will potentially now say one of the "examples" I gave to you specifically. When you start or increase exercise, your muscles can retain water to help with repair. I definitely think you should clean up any logging habits that need it and keep an eye on exercise , but it's possible that you just need to keep it up and you will see results soon :flowerforyou:

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