Let the Gains Begin!



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My situation is probably unique in that I was 340 pounds of jabba the hut when I I started. I lost 140 pounds down to 200 and qas awfully squishy, so I put on 15 pound during a bulk (3 months), then I cut for 3 months and dropped 15 pounds (got down to 17% body fat). Now I am going back on a 20 pound bulk over the next 3-4 months. Once I gain about 20, I'm going to cut back to around 205, and then start over. My goal is to eventually be at about 225-230 at 15% body fat.

    I don't want a six pack. I'm going for a meaty bulk. My Bane pictures are not just for fun. I really want the "Bane build" as I call it.

    This is the upper body I am working towards:

    He looks like one of my powerlifter friends.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Always wondered if bulking was sensible health wise, see lots of big guys in the gym, huge muscles big bellies always seem to be in the bulking phase, as it takes longer to lose weight than put it on doesn't the bulk/cut routine mean you spend most of your life overweight?

    I'm "overweight" and I have 20% body fat (as a female, so like 13% if I was a guy). If you do it right the bulking phase should be as long as the cut phase. The goal is to not gain a bunch of body fat.

    You can't really judge someone's goals by what you see of them in the gym. Maybe they aren't bulking and are just fatter guys who lift. Maybe they are powerlifters and in that case having a bit of a belly can be helpful. Also, powerlifters have stronger core muscles which leads to a larger looking stomach. From personal experience when you have a strong core any fat gain over that makes you look even fatter.

    Get what you are saying it's just from experience listening to the guys talk, i think with some they hang on to the bulking period because they like increasing what they want to lift, it becomes more about the weight and how strong they are and mentally the cutting period and not being able to lift quite as much they put it off, we all get into habits and obsessions
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Maybe it's just me but I can't see the pic you posted

    Never mind, it works now
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Always wondered if bulking was sensible health wise, see lots of big guys in the gym, huge muscles big bellies always seem to be in the bulking phase, as it takes longer to lose weight than put it on doesn't the bulk/cut routine mean you spend most of your life overweight?

    I'm "overweight" and I have 20% body fat (as a female, so like 13% if I was a guy). If you do it right the bulking phase should be as long as the cut phase. The goal is to not gain a bunch of body fat.

    You can't really judge someone's goals by what you see of them in the gym. Maybe they aren't bulking and are just fatter guys who lift. Maybe they are powerlifters and in that case having a bit of a belly can be helpful. Also, powerlifters have stronger core muscles which leads to a larger looking stomach. From personal experience when you have a strong core any fat gain over that makes you look even fatter.

    Get what you are saying it's just from experience listening to the guys talk, i think with some they hang on to the bulking period because they like increasing what they want to lift, it becomes more about the weight and how strong they are and mentally the cutting period and not being able to lift quite as much they put it off, we all get into habits and obsessions

    What's wrong with being strong and deciding not to cut? Just because someone is "overweight" doesn't mean they are unhealthy. If we are going to go by a number for health I think body fat would be more important, because people can be at a normal weight with high body fat (which usually indicates more fat surrounding their organs as well, which impacts health and body function). More important than that are health markers like cholesterol and blood pressure. THOSE are true health.
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    Here is what I managed to pull off last month at a comic book convention:

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Get what you are saying it's just from experience listening to the guys talk, i think with some they hang on to the bulking period because they like increasing what they want to lift, it becomes more about the weight and how strong they are and mentally the cutting period and not being able to lift quite as much they put it off, we all get into habits and obsessions

    not everyone wants to have a beach body.

    pulling more weight off the floor than the next guy trumps looking "good" in terms of society's standards to some people. Aint no shame in that game.

    WINOVAMPIRE_ you need more chest LMAO!!! Otherwise great job!!! :)
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    Get what you are saying it's just from experience listening to the guys talk, i think with some they hang on to the bulking period because they like increasing what they want to lift, it becomes more about the weight and how strong they are and mentally the cutting period and not being able to lift quite as much they put it off, we all get into habits and obsessions

    not everyone wants to have a beach body.

    pulling more weight off the floor than the next guy trumps looking "good" in terms of society's standards to some people. Aint no shame in that game.

    WINOVAMPIRE_ you need more chest LMAO!!! Otherwise great job!!! :)

    I need more everything! Hence the bulk lol.

    Here is a taste of where I started...


    I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go. Also, I feel like I have a great beach body... I just don't have a "traditional" beach body! ;)
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Metabolically speaking it's not wise to jump from a bulk to a cut in one day op, that's how you gain more fat than necessary.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Here is what I managed to pull off last month at a comic book convention:


    Look good

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I need more everything! Hence the bulk lol.

    Here is a taste of where I started...


    I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go. Also, I feel like I have a great beach body... I just don't have a "traditional" beach body! ;)

    GREAT JOB!!! That's a fantastic turn around!!! I LOVE IT.

    (Beach body comment had nothing to do with you and where you were- that was purely in contect of the guy saying he didn't get the endless bulks of fat lifters.

    I'm cutting but I had 5 plain oreo's and a second glass of milk because you inspired me... :)

    and yes- those fkcers fit into my calories!!!

  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    I need more everything! Hence the bulk lol.

    Here is a taste of where I started...


    I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go. Also, I feel like I have a great beach body... I just don't have a "traditional" beach body! ;)

    GREAT JOB!!! That's a fantastic turn around!!! I LOVE IT.

    (Beach body comment had nothing to do with you and where you were- that was purely in contect of the guy saying he didn't get the endless bulks of fat lifters.

    I'm cutting but I had 5 plain oreo's and a second glass of milk because you inspired me... :)

    and yes- those fkcers fit into my calories!!!

    Ohh,yeah. I knew that wasn't directed at me. I just meant that everyone has a beach body. You just take your body... to the beach! And love it!!

    And awe man, I love oreos. Oreos to me are like chips, you can't just have one bag... I kinda avoid them just because they are too damn good. I do like the quest cookies and cream bar and the Met-RX Cookie Crunch bar (both "oreo" flavored)

  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    bulking in late spring????? interesting lol ....
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    Yeah, Since I'm not going for a super lean look, I don't feel the timing really matters.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Ohh,yeah. I knew that wasn't directed at me. I just meant that everyone has a beach body. You just take your body... to the beach! And love it!!

    And awe man, I love oreos. Oreos to me are like chips, you can't just have one bag... I kinda avoid them just because they are too damn good. I do like the quest cookies and cream bar and the Met-RX Cookie Crunch bar (both "oreo" flavored)


    VALID!!! :)
    I'm so not a beach person- but I got it (bikini body is the same one- I see that float around- but hysterical I Never wear one- I own about a million- never wear them)

    so yeah- took me a minute.

    Nmmmmm nom nom nom- I do love my oreo's!!!

    I typically have them crushed in my ice cream- I ALWAYS leave room for ice cream- even when I'm cutting! My inner fat kid won't put up with being hungry other wise!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    bulking in late spring????? interesting lol ....

    gains aren't seasonal
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    bulking in late spring????? interesting lol ....

    gains aren't seasonal

    yes they are... don't you know muscle growth only happens before the spring equinox... doi!!!
  • winonavampire
    winonavampire Posts: 68 Member
    yes they are... don't you know muscle growth only happens before the spring equinox... doi!!!

    Watch out... Ima 'bout to make this summer my *****.

    [edit]] Apparently, I said a naughty. My bad.
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    I think the problem comes from most peoples very unrealistic goals from just how much strength and muscle some food is going to give you. If you have been training and eating right for about 2 years the best you are going to get after that is about 4# a year. For a man that's about 5 10"-6 ft. they will max out at about 170-175# of lean body mass. For a lot of people that's a very tough pill to swallow (unlike a d-bol that's very easy to take). Most guys that have been in the iron game for a long time just see this as another form of yo-yo dieting. Anyway good luck.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member

    Now that bulking has started, I thought I would share my first bedtime snack:


    What we have here is:

    15 grain double protein bread
    crunchy peanut butter
    crunchy peanut butter
    15 grain double protein bread
    crunchy peanut butter
    strawberry jelly
    crunchy peanut butter
    15 grain double protein bread

    It was glorious.

    Looks yummy-- i'm on maintaining my weight until July 1st (then starting my bulk). Can't wait.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    770! First day on bulk after cut, so I kinda let loose a bit. This won't be an every day thing, but I did a "cheat" day on day one of bulk.

    Seemed fair.

    Why would that be a "cheat"? Looks pretty healthy to me. How many calories a day are you starting your bulk at?