Food Addiction?



  • twinzmom172
    twinzmom172 Posts: 33 Member
    I can completely relate. I love to eat - I eat when I'm happy, sad, mad, celebrating or stressed. I used to work in a long term drug and alcohol rehab. I know many don't want to put food in that category, but for myself I feel it is. There are differences of course, but too many similarities for me to dismiss. I've binged, hid while eating, would eat a fast food meal before going out to dinner so I wouldn't eat as much while in front of others, reason with myself or try to justify why it was ok to eat so much. That being said, I'm all or nothing - so when I'm good - I'm great. Right now I'm back on track and hope I stay that way - but it is something that I will continually have to work at for the rest of my life - much like those who are dealing with other addictions - our difference is that food is legal and we need it to survive.