Not eating enough???

I'm finding that I'm am not hitting my daily calorie number on a regular basis. Does this happen to anyone else? I'm pretty sure it's going to hinder my weightloss efforts...I mean they set that number for a reason.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    confused? how can you not hit your goal???

    I mean i can understand being 13 or 27 etc under but...what is under?

    No offense but people are here because they need to lose they can obviously eat lots...
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm finding that I'm am not hitting my daily calorie number on a regular basis. Does this happen to anyone else? I'm pretty sure it's going to hinder my weightloss efforts...I mean they set that number for a reason.

    I understand. I do not hit my daily calories most days. Not intentionally it just happens to work out that way.

    I base my diet around protein so I think me eating a lot of protein enriched foods makes me full longer.

    My calories are at 1900. Most days unless, I'm drinking wine, I do not hit them.

    A lot of people do not according to my friend list so you are not alone. And they lose weight fine.

    Edit: However, I do not know what your daily calories are so if they are on the lower side, like say 12-1300 I would encourage you to hit them.
  • rayhet78
    rayhet78 Posts: 9
    confused? how can you not hit your goal???

    I mean i can understand being 13 or 27 etc under but...what is under?

    No offense but people are here because they need to lose they can obviously eat lots...

    In reply to this...I understad people are here to lose weight. That is exactly what I'm doing. When I started to count calories I saw what I was eating and how it added up. Now I'm more aware and I try to eat smaller portions of what I use to and I seem to fall under because I'm so worried about going over.

    i know it was said "no offense" but offense was taken. Everyone here has different issues and reason that got them where they are. Seeing rude comments is just going to push people backwards!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hi, I've seen many people have this issue. What is your calorie goal for the day? If you're trying to hit 1700 cal/day and only getting to 1500-1600, that's okay. If you're not even getting to 1000-1200 cal/day, then you need to eat more. You're body needs fuel to function properly...including reducing weight. If you need to increase the amount of calories you're eating, incorporate more calorie dense foods like rice, beans, and potatoes. The beauty of tracking your food is that you don't have to worry about going over because you control how much you eat based on how many calories you have to work with.

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, if you're willing to make your diary public, we would be able to give more constructive advice. How much do you go under, what kind of food choices are you making, does the tracking look accurate, etc
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi OP, As a routine user of MFP, there are some days where I too don't reach my goal and could be 100 calories off of my goal. But like someone above stated, I try to eat a lot more protein in my diet and keep the fats and carb levels down, that way I am full longer. I eat a lot, I just somehow don't reach my calorie goal on some days. As long as you are eating at least 1,200 calories (I don't recommend just 1,200 calories, but you have to reach at least that), you should be fine, but it really depends on your goals. If you'd open your diary, I'm sure we could help figure out the issue.

    I also understand that you were simply asking for help or for an answer to your problem, and help is what I want to give you, not some smart *kitten* answer that really doesn't help you at all or give you any advice.

    Feel free to friend me if you need any more help/inspiration.