Run Walk Run Method/training vs. racing



  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    For me, it's more comfortable to just go out and run, and if I feel the need to slow my pace down a little I'll do that. If slowing it down means walking, then yes I will, and I generally do to take a gel or a mouthful of water, but it's no more than a few paces for me.

    For me, Galloway method just gets in the way of a good run.

    Thanks for this perspective. It's always nice to hear different points of view.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    OP Have you run a 5K yet?

    No, I haven't yet. I can make it 2.02 miles in 25 minutes (my last run). This week the program says to run 28 minutes each time (not including warm up/cool down).

    I'm not worried about how long it takes me to finish a 5K's more about running the whole way vs. running and walking. I would guess most people don't take walk breaks during such a short race? But since I'm a doesn't feel short to me! LOL

    I used to walk entire 5Ks; then switched over to run-walking. I can now run entire 5K& 10Ks & run-walked 1\2 marathon and am in training to run-walk a full marathon.

    My suggestion is to just sign up for a 5K now for sometime close to when you complete your C25K will give your program focus and direction. Once you cross the finish line of your very first 5K...vertical & uninjured...then sign up for your 2nd 5K & try to better your time.