If I am at a deficit, why am I not losing weight?



  • tolynkenl
    tolynkenl Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you, Prahasaurus!

    I finally got myself a food scale, so I'm weighing my food in grams now to be sure I am eating what I think I am eating...but I guess you are right. It is noIt an exact science on everything.

    I am eating differently. I changed my breakfast. I am trying to avoid snacking while at work. I am making healthier choices at restaurants. My snacking in the evening is limited to lower calorie foods or in measured quantities so I don't eat too much.

    I am walking nearly every day for at least 2.5 miles - up to 4 miles. I am taking exercise classes three days/week now. The walking is all new and the third class/week is new.

    I will stick with it. Thank you for your input! One of these days, the weight has to start coming off.

  • tolynkenl
    tolynkenl Posts: 15 Member
    I lost another pound...so I'm now down 4 pounds. Not huge, but better than the way things were going! I've been on MFP now since May 14th, so that's 1 lb./week, which is exactly what I targeted when I set up my plan. I guess I shouldn't be discouraged. I'm on target. :-)

  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I agree ! I also was not losing I used the IIFYM calculator and I actually plateaued I have slowly dropped my calories and found my "sweet spot" 1400-1500 calories

    You log your calories and weight yes? Use this information Slowly decrease calories/ play with macro ratios and find what works for YOU we are all different.

    I also have begun to pay attention to my (sorry folks) water intake.
  • jam34jam
    jam34jam Posts: 8 Member