Clean eating UGH



  • kacisjourneytohealthy
    What is eating "clean" anyway? My food is clean unless I drop it on the floor. And even then, I'd probably still eat it. Food is food, calories are calories.

    I watch my macros like a hawk Monday-Friday and ensure I meet my caloric goal and get as close as I can to my macro goals. On weekends, I eat back all of my exercise calories for the week, which allows me to eat burgers, pizza, chips, ice cream, etc. and I hardly ever look at my macros on weekends. I'm losing weight at a consistent rate. A little too quickly, actually, though I'm not complaining (I eat an average of 1800 calories daily).

    I don't ask anyone for motivation because my motivation comes from within myself, but I very rarely discuss my weight loss with anyone outside of MFP other than my husband. These are comments I've gotten from friends and family when I did talk about it:

    "Don't even talk to me about how much weight you lost. I hardly eat at all and I can't lose any weight."
    "You eat back exercise calories? Isn't that sort of defeating the whole purpose of exercising?"
    "1800 calories? I could never eat that much!" (from someone that is overweight)
    "Oh no, you should be eating like 1100 calories if you really want to lose weight."
    "You lift weights? Aren't you worried about getting bulky?"
    "Shouldn't you be doing more cardio if your goal is to lose weight?"
    "Oh my God, why are you trying to lose weight? You look fine."
    "You need to stay out of the gym. You're skinny enough as it is."
    "You're getting a little obsessive with logging your food, aren't you?"

    It makes me want to shove my progress pictures in their face and challenge them to see how much weight they can squat compared to me. You think you can do it better? Show me.

    OMG! I'm so glad I read your post! I never thought about eating my exercise calories back on the weekends!!!!!!! :) Love it!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    So on my FB I have people telling me that I eat horribly and that clean eating is the only way to lose weight. Because I eat "dirty" I am not doing it right and I cannot out run a poor diet. I am sooooooo tired of hearing this BS! I eat at a deficit to lose weight. I workout every day or every other day. Me not eating clean is not effecting my workouts. No I have not lost weight in the past 5 months until now. Why? Because I was not eating in a deficit. I overestimated. Everyone seems to think that its because I was not eating clean. I now weigh, measure and count everything. I lost my 1st pound. So BOOM! Clean eating is not the answer.

    ....end rant. (I will no longer ask for motivation on Facebook)

    Just do your own thing. FB is a cesspool of inferiority complexes, dogma and ****-talking.

    Good, succinct answer Triton. Bravo! :drinker: (there is only juice in my mug - clean drinking - haha!)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't ask anyone for motivation because my motivation comes from within myself,

  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    Totally posted just to get brownie points with the dirty eaters.

    "Dirty eaters"? Are you for real?