Epilepsy, meds and weight loss

Okay, in the last 12 months I've gained over 70lbs. The gain started when my epilepsy medication was changed and I started gaining between 1lb and 4lb a week while sticking to my weight watchers points. According to the doctors the meds I'm on usually doesn't cause weight gain, in fact in most people it apparently causes weigh loss, just my luck to be different. Anyway, at the moment I'm weaning off the meds with the doctors support, they've done nothing to control the seizures and seem to have made them more frequent instead. Hoping that once I'm off them the weight will start to drop.

Anyway, I don't know whether anyone here has experience with epilepsy but after a grand mal seizure (currently having one every couple of months) I am absolutely STARVING for 3 or 4 days. Apparently it's fairly common but it really doesn't help my weight to go around devouring everything in sight for a few days. Then it takes me the next couple of weeks to get back into my normal eating pattern and my weight just increases again. There is no way I can exercise much with every muscle in my body screaming at the slightest movement so it's pretty much just walk the dog and come home and die. It's kinda frustrating. Does anyone have any advice?


  • Threnx
    Threnx Posts: 3 Member
    Have you considered a ketogenic diet?


    As you can see it was developed to help people with epilepsy - however many people use it today since it is also conducive to weight loss.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I did a google search "epilepsy drugs and weight gain" and came up with info from the Epilepsy Foundation website:

    "In addition to side effects caused by the dose of medication, there may be symptoms that occur in some, but not all, people who take the drug. This is called an idiosyncratic side effect. Some people notice weight gain, unrelated to calories eaten, on certain seizure medications. Valproate (Depakote) may be the most common drug to have this side effect, but it has been noted with carbamazepine (Tegretol, Carbatrol) and gabapentin (Neurontin) as well. Felbamate (Felbatol), topiramate (Topamax), and zonisamide (Zonegran) can cause weight loss."

    Here is a link:

    Good luck.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I've never even heard of the ketogenic diet before, I'll take a look at that when I can actually concentrate.

    We have spoken to my specialist about medication and the horrendous side effects (weight gain has just been one of them) I've been having from the 2 types I've tried so far. At the moment they're very reluctant to put me on anything else because of my age and the increased risk of birth defects. I pushed for coming off the meds altogether and the doctor has, rather reluctantly, agreed to give it a shot as my seizures increased from 1 a year to 1 a month since being on meds. Just a matter of time and hoping it works out I think. I could handle the weight gain better if the meds weren't causing other major problems for me in all honesty.
  • Hi know this is an old post but i started on epilesy med (keppra) in January, and did immediately notice some weight gain. I think its slowed down now my body is used to the med, but also keeping fit and eating healthier recently so this may be counteracting it.
  • crojan
    crojan Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've ha epilepsy about 10 years and have had a roller coaster with my weight. At one point put on 4 stone in 5 months - luckily I was able to swap that med for a different one. Just taken my first Keppra this morning as old meds stopped working. I would love to lose more weight but the main thing is not to gain any. Any tips welcome.
  • buddy9o
    buddy9o Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys I'm epileptic also and I'm on felbamate at the moment. Been on it for 8ish years now.when I was first put on it I started excercising and running 5 miles everyday so in the span of 3 months I lost 80 lbs...I've recently started working out again but this time with an emphasis on building lean muscle mass and just wondering if anybody has had experience with that? Like do I have to eat even more food to counteract the weight loss effect from felbatol? Or just keep eating and lifting? I'm starting a landscaping job in a couple weeks on top of the lifting routine and I just really don't want to lose any muscle I've gained.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Sezmo83 wrote: »
    I've never even heard of the ketogenic diet before, I'll take a look at that when I can actually concentrate.

    We have spoken to my specialist about medication and the horrendous side effects (weight gain has just been one of them) I've been having from the 2 types I've tried so far. At the moment they're very reluctant to put me on anything else because of my age and the increased risk of birth defects. I pushed for coming off the meds altogether and the doctor has, rather reluctantly, agreed to give it a shot as my seizures increased from 1 a year to 1 a month since being on meds. Just a matter of time and hoping it works out I think. I could handle the weight gain better if the meds weren't causing other major problems for me in all honesty.

    I highly recommend a Keto diet or any version of a low carb diet, though it's Keto that may be beneficial for epilepsy.
    I don't even have any medical issues that caused me to try it. I just wanted to lose weight and gain control over hunger and sugar cravings. Well, that was 11 months ago and I've never been happier or healthier in my life. I'm 40 years old and am wearing the size I wore in high school!
    I feel like I found my perfect way of eating. It just makes sense to me and it's now my lifelong plan.