I'm doing so good but....

i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!


  • Dim_Anis
    Dim_Anis Posts: 1 Member
    Ever heard about IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macroes)? The idead behind is that certain foods doesnt make you fat and macroes (proteins, fats and carbs) from all kinds of food are equal. So, basically, there is no much difference for your body if you get your macroes from so called "junk food" rather than from that quintessence of "clean food" - chicken breast and broccoli. Your body recognizes the food you eat as proteins, fats and carbs and that is a fact. Integrating some of those foods, "junk foods", if you will, into your diet wont hurt your weightloss progress and at the sime time may really help you fight those cravings and binges. It is a kind of diet that make you feel like you're not on a diet ;) Feel free to ask any questions, kamp150 !
  • stananvik
    stananvik Posts: 23
    Ever heard about IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macroes)? The idead behind is that certain foods doesnt make you fat and macroes (proteins, fats and carbs) from all kinds of food are equal. So, basically, there is no much difference for your body if you get your macroes from so called "junk food" rather than from that quintessence of "clean food" - chicken breast and broccoli. Your body recognizes the food you eat as proteins, fats and carbs and that is a fact. Integrating some of those foods, "junk foods", if you will, into your diet wont hurt your weightloss progress and at the sime time may really help you fight those cravings and binges. It is a kind of diet that make you feel like you're not on a diet ;) Feel free to ask any questions, kamp150 !

    This is solid advice. Lets face it...if you're anything like most folks, if you force yourself away from the things you crave while dieting, your chances of going back to bad habits at some point are high.

    Personally, when I get a craving for Taco Bell, I go there...and get the Fresco Tacos. SOOOO good, yet I don't blow my calorie intake....I can even eat THREE of em for lunch and still eat my normal breakfast, dinner, and snack while still coming in under my calorie intake goal. Boo Yaa!!!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Try not eating seven small means a day. Go to two and or three see if that is easier for you. It is totally o.k. to eat fast food. Just watch the calories.
  • i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

    It's a rather simple choice to make. No more Wendy's, BK, McDonald's, etc. I haven't set foot into one of them in over a year. I consider Subway acceptable because you can make informed decisions.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

    It's a rather simple choice to make. No more Wendy's, BK, McDonald's, etc. I haven't set foot into one of them in over a year. I consider Subway acceptable because you can make informed decisions.

    Respectfully disagree. I still go to these places. You just have to plan for them and incorporate them into your calorie intake for that day. I restrict nothing except portion sizes.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

    It's a rather simple choice to make. No more Wendy's, BK, McDonald's, etc. I haven't set foot into one of them in over a year. I consider Subway acceptable because you can make informed decisions.

    Disagree, I make informed choices where ever I eat. There is also nothing wrong with eating at these places as long as it fits your goals. There are no good foods or bad foods, just food. OP, figure out what method helps you adhere to your goals, this is the correct method. I have lost 60 pounds eating ice cream, fast food and lots of chocolate.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would suggest eating less but larger meals, personally. I think eating little meals is not suited to everyone. If you like eating larger amounts, then eat larger meals and incorporate the foods you like into those meals. I eat twice a day, and eat enough food, including popcorn, chocolate and cake, at those meals to ensure I am both comfortably full and satisfied by my choices. Just make sure you have a balance of healthy, nutritious food as well as the less nutritious foods you like.
  • novembersuse
    novembersuse Posts: 77 Member
    Binging on food you 'shouldn't' eat isn't about hunger, it's about craving. Of course you're going to crave things that you enjoy and 'can't' have them. Have them, just have less. You can fit it into your weight loss. And with any luck, after a few times of eating a small portion of fries/1 slice of pizza for dinner, you'll start to crave big hearty portions of healthier stuff, because being full is always better :tongue: Good luck!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

    First, congratulation on the loss - that's awesome. The only advice I have for you is to keep getting up and doing what you're doing. Changing the binge mindset takes time (took me 2 years/lost 100 pounds). Every day that you are successful is building on the skills to change your habits. Slip ups happen to everyone on this site - but the key to success is to get back up and keep going. Don't punish yourself - just get back to your plan the next minute.

    This link is full of information: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1175494-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Keep going. Have patience. Love yourself. You can get there if you just keep going. :flowerforyou:
  • shellymeister
    shellymeister Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not saying eat fast food every day, but make room for it in your macros on occasion so you don't feel like you're deriving yourself. You can still lose weight eating fast food and chocolate as long as they fit in your macros. .I would suggest not eating them every day for general health reasons but the occasional treat should not hinder your health or weight loss :)
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

    It's a rather simple choice to make. No more Wendy's, BK, McDonald's, etc. I haven't set foot into one of them in over a year. I consider Subway acceptable because you can make informed decisions.

    Disagree, I make informed choices where ever I eat. There is also nothing wrong with eating at these places as long as it fits your goals. There are no good foods or bad foods, just food. OP, figure out what method helps you adhere to your goals, this is the correct method. I have lost 60 pounds eating ice cream, fast food and lots of chocolate.

    High five to this!!!!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    i started my weight loss when i was 330 lbs, now i weigh 280. but i still struggle with eating fast food/junk food. I've slipped up a few times to where i ended up binging. its not like I'm starving myself with my diet either, i eat seven small meals a day but i still feel the need to binge on food that i shouldn't eat!! how would you guys handle this because I've went down this route before and ended up gaining 30 lbs more my initial weight!! any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!
    Any reason why seven small meals a day? meal timing has nothing to do with weightloss and it's a myth that small meals fasten your metabolism. If it's personal preference fine but if not maybe consider changing that. If you do that you are then more likely to occasionally fit fast food in moderation into your calorie goals.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Everyone is different and you have to figure out what works for you. When you realize what it is, stick with it. Not everyone can eat fast foods and junk and still maintain or lose. It's great for those who can, but if that's not you, please don't accept it as a workable solution and start gaining back your weight. Start with this - why are you eating fast foods and junk when the plan you are on is working? Are you an emotional eater? Is something going on in your life that is driving you there? Is the prospect of never being able to eat fast/junk food making you feel like you should binge now or else you can never have it again? Having to lose so much weight can be daunting. Believe me, I know what that's like, but I tend to be a goal-motivated person. I'm also task oriented. I focus on a task and stick to it until I complete it. Get to know yourself and work with who you are. Six small meals work for me, but again, that's not everybody. I started on this journey in October 2005 and every so often I have to adjust my plan to accommodate my changing body/life/mentality. My suggestion is to set up mini milestones for yourself. My current milestone is if I can get to a certain weight by July 1st I will treat myself to Pappadeaux. I started this goal January 1st. Now I am four weeks away. I know that I can eat Pappadeaux whenever I want, but if I want to reach my ultimate weight-loss goal, I can't eat it every week or even every month. That doesn't mean I can NEVER eat it. So if you know you can have chocolate or fast food or whatever sometimes, set it up so that you eat it occasionally. It doesn't have to be after you reach a goal. It could be a specific day per week or month. This way you don't binge like you will never have it again. MFP is a good place to ask for advise because you find all kinds or people with all kinds of experiences. Good luck to you.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    OP...here are my thoughts for what they are worth...which they are not worth much except to me.

    It is all about making life fit in to what works for you. People will say...don't eat fast food...don't eat carbs...don't eat sugar...don't eat fruit...don't eat this...don't eat that. If we listened to all of that advice...soon we would be eating nothing except carrots and celery. I personally won't live my life that way...avoiding all those things that I enjoy.

    I fix all of my meals at home except one a week. That one meal I enjoy takeout or actually sitting in a restaurant. They are "informed" choices that I have researched before making my selection.

    I was out with my son once and we were both hungry so on our way home we decided to stop and get a pizza. Sounds simple but when I went in to order they had no hard copy of their nutrition data...I panicked...went wacko...I ended up walking out and going somewhere that was "safe". My son...while he understood...had this look on his face...like REALLY!!!

    Since I have that one meal a week...I don't crave "fast food"...I have no set day for this one meal...I make that one meal fit my life.

    I don't know if this is helpful...but maybe you will feel more in control if you take control of those cravings...make them work for you.

    I love my one meal...I look forward to it...I get to try out some local restaurants or eat those foods that I always enjoyed picking up. I do my homework during the week so when that urge hits...I can make an informed decision.

    Now...so much for my opinion...find a way to take control...if not...then the food will win...after all...it really tastes good!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I've lost 26 pounds in five months and still eat fast food at least once a week. My choices have changed, though. Smaller burgers, no mayo, a side salad if that's an option like at Wendy's. All of the major chains have their nutrition data online, so you can research the calories/macros and make a decision based on that.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Personally I could not do 6 small meals. I do much better with 3 meals and a small snack. With small meals I never felt full or satisfied and was looking for something more or could hardly wait for my next meal.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've really tapered off of the fast food, but I do still "go there".

    Last night, we got Chik-Fil-A. I had a 6 piece grilled chicken nuggets kids meal with a fruit cup.

    At Arby's, I'll get either a classic roast beef or classic turkey; although many times I'll get a jr. turkey/cheese kids meal with apple slices.

    At McDonald's I'll get 2 4piece chicken nuggets off the dollar menu.

    There are times that I'll get a cheeseburger, cut it in half, and lose half the bun - making a 1/2 a double cheeseburger out of it. That way I can save at least a few carbs. I do that with Burger King chicken sandwiches too.

    I quit getting fries a long time ago because I'd drive thru for lunch, and by the time I'd get back to the office, my fries would be cold. BLECH! So I usually have some pretzels or something back at the office.

    When I go to Fazoli's, I get a kids meal of 1 slice of cheese pizza, then I order a side salad with fat free Italian dressing.

    There are things you can do to get your "fast food fix" in without it being so horrible it totally derails you.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I would binge all the time too if I had to eat seven small meals. I feel way more satisfied when I sit down with a full plate to enjoy and feel legitimately full after.