Zumba :/

So I tried Zumba last night, and while it was fun, I don't think it's for me. I recovered from severe whiplash and my sacrum and neck are still funny (muscular stuff) and I guess not strong enough. So all the bouncing around was jolting them, and though hopefully it'll settle, my sacrum in particular feels very achy today. Bit frustrated at myself - if this sets my exercise back, I'll be pretty upset.


  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    you might think it was the jumping, but I would bet it was the twisting that did the sacrum in.

    The problem with Zumba and injuries is that is very fast paced and you twist and turn and shift your weight quickly. This makes it very easy to pull something or hurt yourself. Good luck healing.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Yeah, I should have asked my physio before partaking, really. Sigh. At least now I know...
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    Remember that all Zumba instructors should be okay with you modifying anything they are showing you. I have a gal with bad knees in my class so she doesn't do any of the twisting moves. She will modify the move and pick up her feet instead of twisting in place. I have another participant that can't do lunges due to a prior injury. She will squat or march to keep moving. I have a third dancer that cannot stand for an hour. She should probably be taking a gold class, but she's a friend and she likes my class, so she keeps a chair near by and sits for a minute when she needs to. Granted, I'm probably more accommodating than most instructors but any instructor that isn't okay with you making modifications is not the right instructor for you. If you had fun, try it again with the modifications before you give it up forever. And definitely check with your PT, I'm sure they can give you modifications specific to you.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Remember that all Zumba instructors should be okay with you modifying anything they are showing you. I have a gal with bad knees in my class so she doesn't do any of the twisting moves. She will modify the move and pick up her feet instead of twisting in place. I have another participant that can't do lunges due to a prior injury. She will squat or march to keep moving. I have a third dancer that cannot stand for an hour. She should probably be taking a gold class, but she's a friend and she likes my class, so she keeps a chair near by and sits for a minute when she needs to. Granted, I'm probably more accommodating than most instructors but any instructor that isn't okay with you making modifications is not the right instructor for you. If you had fun, try it again with the modifications before you give it up forever. And definitely check with your PT, I'm sure they can give you modifications specific to you.

    Hi, thanks for replying. I did tell her about my injuries and she did modify/adjust but she only adjusted for my upper body stuff, perhaps I wasn't clear enough! I don't think she thought about my sacrum at all. She taught very fast and it seemed to be an 'all abilities' class! I am having to see my physio today for deep tissue to try and help as my muscles are seizing up all along my back! I think it's the unrestricted movement and impact that now doesn't work for me, unfortunately.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Just a warning to anyone with muscle weakness issues, don't be foolish like me and try Zumba or anything high impact/uncontrolled! I went to my physio and I've acutely seized my piriformis muscle and lower/mid back muscles from the uncontrolled movement. It's going to take a while to get better!