Anybody got any goals for the month of November?

I want to log all my food and stay under calories every day in November. I want to lose at least 6 pounds and would be very happy if I can get my body fat percentage below 17%. I plan on increasing my high intensity cardio, which I have kind of been slacking on in favor of playing golf .


  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I plant to support your efforts...:blushing:
  • kuntrygurl
    I plan on finishing the first 30 days of P90X.
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    I'm making it a point to stay under my calories and work out 6 days a week. For Thanksgiving I'm not going to deprive myself a dessert or anything, but I will save calories so that I can have it! If I go over my sugar that one day, so be it. But I have no reason to binge. It's not worth it.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I just made a blog yesterday about my goals for November

    1) Put my pic up...doesn't seem like much but for me..its HUGE! I am soo self concious, I have a facebook with tons of pic, NONE of me! This is a start for me...
    2) Take my beginning measurements and before pics!
    3) No soda, juice, sugary drinks of any kind
    4) Get 8 glasses of water in a day - minimum
    5) No simple carbs, complex carbs only!
    6) Start Power 90 and complete the entire month faithfully
    7) Eat at least one meatless dinner a week
    8) Try out at least one new healthy recipe a week
    9) Make at least two healthy dishes for my family Thanksgiving get together
    10) Never give up!!!
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    I'd like to be doing at least 2 classes a week at the gym, I'd like to be down another 8 lbs, stay under the calories all month, and I hope that's it:)
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I plan on burning at least 3000 calories every week, and keeping my drinking confined to weekends. No more happy hours for me!
  • queenofdisney
    10) Never give up!!!

    Most important one of all!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
  • breannk
    im going to do the 30 day shred along with my regular workouts :) and drink lots of water at least my 8 glasses a day!
  • sjaudio
    It may be a little ambitious, but I'd like to lose another ten pounds in November. If I could start December only five pounds from my (current) goal, I'd be a happy camper.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    I just started really trying to lose weight so my goals may not be as intense as everyone else but oh well :)

    My goals for November are
    1. keep doing what I'm doing (I have always had a problem with not following through after the first few weeks)
    2. Increase my morning jog to 2 miles instead of 1
    3. Increase my morning sit ups and push ups to 50 each (currently at 21 push ups and 18 sit ups)
    4. Lose 15 LBS (Really gonna stretch here but I wanna set a high goal for weight lose)
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    I was thinking today I should try to go to the gym every day this month, and see if it makes a significant difference in my progress. It's a big challenge though....and I'm awesome at breaking promises to myself.

    what to do?
  • megaloox
    My plans:
    6-8 lb loss in November
    Run at least 12 miles throughout the month
    Be able to do 15 push ups in a row (I have virtually zero upper body strength)
    fit into my old pair of jeans by the end of the month
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    log everyday, exercise everyday and be under goal every day. :-)
  • AmandaR910
    I'm shooting for no gain (pregnant), under on sodium and calories everyday (except my already planned cheat day-Thanksgiving), and at least 12 glasses of water a day. Also, gym 6 times a week minimum. :)
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    not going bankrupt
  • erin_89
    My goal for Nov is:

    ~ lose aleat 14 more pound which would make me 350

    ~ start walking everyday but Sunday and Saturday is my off day.

    ~ walk a mile a 1.5miles 2 times a day.

    ~ for thanksgiving eat I'll save my cals for dinner and don't over eat stop eating when I feel full.

    ~ stay under my ca and think potion control

    ~ go to the ymca once a week for atleat 2 hours
  • kaboyne
    kaboyne Posts: 8 Member
    Work out at least 5 days a week in various exercise...
    Get back into race training...
    Lose 5 pounds...

    HW: 205lbs(1/09)
    CW: 180lbs (11/10)
    GW: 135lbs (8/11)
  • atotal180
    I want to be inshape for Thanksgiving so I can go crazy!!! Horrible goal I know, but I love Thanksgiving food.
  • lalouli
    I want to do one alternate exercise to running every week to try to break my plateau. Maybe some yoga or the elliptical.