Color Run

My DD (11) and I are doing the Color Run 5K here in Louisville this coming Saturday. We are all set, I think, to have a great time!

My question, for any experienced Color Runners...will a pair of big sunglasses be sufficient to protect her eyes from the flying powder (I don't even know what that stuff is...powdered chalk?). The after photos i've seen show people just dusted in the stuff and I just want to be sure she doesn't get that stuff in her eyes. I figure if she breathes it in, her snot will be multicolored for a day or two, but should be otherwise fine.


  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    Big sunnies worked perfectly for me. Have fun!
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    I just did one a couple weekends ago. I got the sunglasses there since I forgot mine. Yes, the glasses will help to keep the chalk out of her eyes, but not entirely. As long as she keeps them on and the people don't spray the chalk right in her face, she will be fine.

    There is a color fesitval at the end where everyone in a heat is standing around a staging area and the color packets that are given at the finish line are all thrown into the air at the same time. That is when most of the color gets on you.

  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Oh and read online about preparing for the color run. Heavy conditioner in your hair, suntan lotion on your skin, etc. It was not something that I knew beforehand and cleaning up afterwards took a couple of good scrubbings with an exfoliating cloth. Let's just say I was a bit tinged for a day or so.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much for the advice, ladies, I appreciate it!

    EDITED: Great tip about the conditioner...DD is platinum blonde...that stuff will definitely stain her hair, so I'll make sure she has the conditioner and a hat! Those "temporary" hair chalks last about a week on her, even washing her hair every day.
  • I do CRs with my 13 year old and they are a ton of fun. The volunteers don't throw at your face. Sometimes we barely get dirty. lol
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    My DD (11) and I are doing the Color Run 5K here in Louisville this coming Saturday. We are all set, I think, to have a great time!

    My question, for any experienced Color Runners...will a pair of big sunglasses be sufficient to protect her eyes from the flying powder (I don't even know what that stuff is...powdered chalk?). The after photos i've seen show people just dusted in the stuff and I just want to be sure she doesn't get that stuff in her eyes. I figure if she breathes it in, her snot will be multicolored for a day or two, but should be otherwise fine.

    I did one this past Saturday. The colour is Corn Starch.

    It was lots of fun, I ended up with colour all over my face and body. I will be adding a photo to my profile. I was worried about getting it in my eyes, but it wasn't an issue. Most of the colour came off that day in the shower. And bring towels for your car.

    We wish we had brought some disposable water bottles for before and during the race. It was a hot day and we were thirsty but didn't want anything in our hands so it would have been good to have a plastic bottle we could have put in recycling when finished.
  • Lanet27
    Lanet27 Posts: 127 Member
    Ahh thanks for all the ideas!
    I am doing the color run with my 4-year old daughter, and we are soooo looking forward to this!
    I actually got her some goggle-like eyewear and a cool looking wig and tutu for this run..
    She's so excited about the run, every so often she asks me about it... lol The run is @ end of September so we have some time to train and prepare.

    I will use moisturizer on her hair for under her rainbow wig and bring plenty of towels and water bottles and sunscreen!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    LOL...we're making tutus this week...She is definitely excited. THe last day of school is Friday, so if the color stays for a day or two, I'm not worried.

    And I am glad to know its just cornstarch...that's good to know!

    We've been looking forward to this race for months.