Support on My New Journey

Hi everyone!

I'm a 26 year old female and new to the forums. I've recently embarked on my weightloss journey. A few weeks ago my boyfriend suggested that we adopt a somewhat Paleo lifestyle (I would guestimate 80%). I was grouchy and not interested but after some research we decided that we would give it a go. I've battled weight issues my entire life and ultimately I need a lifestyle change, not just a new "diet". That is our goal with our new eating habits. More whole foods, less junk. We "officially" started our new lifestyle this past Saturday, May 31. I currently weigh 220 pounds and my target weight is 145. So 75 pounds... whew!

Like most people I'm full of insecurities about this new journey, "Will it really work?" "Is this time REALLY different?" "What will be left of my body after losing 75 pounds? Petrified of mountains of loose skin." However, I'm determined to make this work. My boyfriend is extremely supportive, however, I need all of the support I can get from you guys! Support from people who are in a similar situation as I am would be incredible. I hope to meet and get to talk to many of the wonderful people on this forum and keep my motivation up for this difficult journey.


  • ahageman3
    ahageman3 Posts: 1
    Hey Danielle! Congrats on the decision, it should be really helpful having your boyfriend do it with you. I'm 26 also and have a 4 month old little boy and weigh more than I said I would ever again. Back in 2009 I lost about 60 pounds, never reached goal weight. I'm at 225 as of this morning :-/ and want to reach 175 so 50 pounds AGAIN. It will really work. Forums are what kept me motivated and pushing last time and I really need help again this time, maybe we could journey together? I'm not entirely paleo but try to stay away from grains and eat whole foods so not too different. Good luck!
  • junef21112
    junef21112 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Danielle, Welcome to your weight loss journey here on MFP. I have been on MFP for some time. I lost 59 lbs the first year and gained back 12 while I took a break to be at school for 8 months. I am now done with school and ready to start back up again. I started a new profile and I am adding new friends so if you would like some support through this please feel free to add me. I log daily and my diary is open..although not the healthiest at times.
  • Danielle8387
    Thanks for the responses ladies!