How Do I Beat the Evening Munchies?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I make sure my dinner has a TON of protein. Sometime's i'll make myself egg whites or i'll make a half a cup of edamame beans. Keeps me full, and causes me to steer clear from the late night cravings :)

    This. I like a lot of the other advice, too!

    I try to plan ahead and eat all (or enough) of my calories for the day at dinner or very shortly after. It's not that I think eating later is "bad", I just like to brush and floss my teeth and consider my kitchen closed for the evening after roughly 8 pm. That keeps me from snacking.

    This might sound stupid, but planning my breakfast out ahead of time helps me too. Knowing I have something tasty planned for 7 am makes it much easier to withstand the "munchies" if they occur.

    All of that said, if I am really craving something as a snack (rare due to the above) I'll have a small snack that fits within my daily goals. No point in restricting food unnecessarily.