Seeking for support and advices

I have graduated from highschool last week and went on a super food and alcohol binge for the past few days. My friends and I went on a short three-day trip in the mountains and partied the whole time. I feel horrible now because I've gained back the weight I lost (+ more) and I just feel really sick to my stomach and super dizzy. I want to recover and since I don't want to have any detox diets, could you suggest a healthy and light breakfast for me that would help with the stomach sickness? I absolutely HATE juices, so please don't suggest shakes and whatnot.

Height: 154 cm
Last week's weight: 56,5 kgs.
Today's weight: 59,3 kgs

I don't expect to lose the weight I've gained in a week, or less. I just don't want to feel like purging anymore.


  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    Hello? :( Please help. I'm having a really bad time with eating at the moment.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Your young, and will do stupid and fun things. Let it go, and get on track. You did not gain all that weight in 3 days, alcohol can have you retain water as well as salty foods. You can carry up to(sometimes more) than 10lbs of water weight.

    Not sure about my conversions but your scale is up 2.8 kg so about 2.8kg x 2.2 = 6.16 lbs. That can be a normal fluctuation from, sodium, alcohol and hormones.

    Stop stressing, you are too young and it won't fix anything. You had fun, you will most likely do it again just get back on track.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Sounds like you have a super hangover. Drink water, get some sleep. You'll feel like yourself in a day or two. :smile:
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    Thank you very much for your reply! My family isn't very supportive and nor are my friends. I really needed to hear that from someone right now...