Trying again- Fitness & Health tips wanted

Hello all!

Thank you to the one person that replied but wanted to try the post again.

Diet: Currently I eat 2-3 times a day with multiple snacks. My fitnesspal changes based on how much I exercise. For example, my main goal is always 1200, BUT if I exercise 700 calories, you better believe I am going to eat them!

I generally aim for no more than 100 grams of carbs and use the fiber to subtract. I aim for high protein, and only healthy fats. You can check out my diet to my profile I think. I eat grilled meats (mostly chicken if I can), and vegetables. I got some advice on the fact that I need to eat foods help my body stay fueled all throughout the week. I exercise a lot.

However, because of my exercises, my question is this:

1) On my strength training days, what macro percentages should I aim for each category?
2) On days I do cardio, what should my percentages be?
3) On days that I sweat a lot, what should my sodium levels be?
4) I want to avoid breads, so what should I use for sandwiches?
5) I do have one day where I let go, and just eat what I want. Usually those days are very carb heavy days as I feel this can help my muscles since I deplete them of carbs.
6) What foods should I focus more on? I eat whey after any strength, and aim for healthy foods with no seasoning except olive oil and herbs.

Exercises: Currently I work out 6 days of the week. I also try to walk my dogs in the evenings for about half an hour, and I always try to hit 10,000 steps with my Fitbit. Most toning cardio classes I do use 3 lb weights, and I will bump up the use 5-7.5 lbs depending on the type of exercise. I have weak arms and a weak back.

Before anyone asks, yes I do these classes back to back in the afternoon. Each class is about an hour long, and during classes, I will drink water. In between classes, I eat nuts and dried fruit. If I feel too tired, I will skip a class and go home. I listen to my body, and do not push myself to the point of passing out. I do have a rest day! It just depends on when I want to take it or when my body forces me to take it.

Monday: 1-1.5 hours of Muay Thai with a friend. We incorporate a lot of core, cardio, and punches.
Tuesday: Zumba (Cardio) & Pilates (Strength & Stretch) Total of 2 hours.
Wednesday: Circuit Strength & Fit Core (both are Strength & Cardio) Total of 2 hours
Thursday: Step + HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Yoga (Cardio, Strenth, Flexibility) Total 2 hours
Friday: Zumba + Running (Cardio)
Saturday: Align and Define, Zumba, MAYBE Yoga. (Strength + Cardio, Flexibility) Total of 2-3 hours
Sunday: and Define, Zumba, MAYBE Yoga. (Strength + Cardio, Flexibility) Total of 2-3 hours

1) When I do a weights day, I do the 5x5’s. I do this when I skip a class, so should the next day be solely cardio?
2) Should I do a sauna or steam room? (I have either at the YMCA)

Rest: When I feel my muscles are too sore, I rest, and don’t work out. I still walk the dogs like a responsible owner.If I am too sore to move, I will sleep, and drink a lot of water. I don’t take any medication.

1) Should I take medication when I am too sore?

Yes a lot of people are going to say “only work out once a day for an hour” but I have a lot of free time to kill, and I try to stay in the area since I live kind of far.

Beauty: So because of how hard I work out, I HAVE to shower after my session. That means I bathe 2-3 times a day. I’m sorry, I have to rinse in the morning…I can’t help it, and I wash my hair every day after I work out.

1) What do you do to prevent acne?
2) What do you suggest I try for my hair?
3) Dry skin?