
Is anyone on Fluoxetine? I was told that I should be taking it but I am rather skeptical over it, does it help depression or binging?
Thank you.


  • salem9348
    salem9348 Posts: 13
    If your doctor prescribed it for mental health (such as depression/anxiety), you should take it. You don't want to leave mental health problems untreated. Have you been using exercise as a way to manage the problem? Doctors tend to prescribe medicine but in conjunction with being more active. If it is a chemical imbalance problem, the medicine will be a helpful solution. It won't work overnight though, it needs time to build up in your system. Some side effects may include weight gain, but nothing a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle can't combat. It may have some suppressing effect on your sexual drive, just watch out for that. If you aren't sure about taking it, talk more with your doctor to find an alternative route.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If a doctor prescribes you a medicine that you're hesitant about taking, you need to talk to that doctor about it. Maybe there's a different Rx you could take that would have similar benefits? Or go to another doctor for a second opinion.
  • dlamere2
    dlamere2 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been taking Fluoxetine as prescribed by my doctor on and off for the past three years. It definitely helps with depression, mood swings, and apparently, may also be used to treat binge eating. Side effects are fatigue/drowsiness and dry mouth. I take mine in the evening which helps combat the drowsiness because I'm going to sleep anyway.

    I was prescribed Fluoxetine to manage my PMDD symptoms, and it has made a huge difference for me. It does take a few weeks before you will notice any change but if you are already doing all the right things (diet, exercise, sleep) and you're still not feeling mentally healthy, give it a try. If you had diabetes, you would take insulin, right? :)
  • MammaMouse
    MammaMouse Posts: 52
    I'm on it for anxiety disorders. It helps me, but of course just because it works for me doesn't mean it will work for you. If you're hesitant to try it, you should really bring up your concerns with your physician.