How Fast Does it Come Back?

Basically I have lost nearly three stone and gone down 3-4 dress sizes over the past year, using MFP. I go to the gym around 4-5 times a week and really enjoy it.
However, I have a few special events planned this month, which will involve gorgeous, creamy rich foods.
I know 3,500 calories is roughly 1lb. But I am wondering how fast the weight would creep on if I were to have a few indulgent days this month? I find 3,500 calories a huge amount.

Has anyone had any experience of having a few indulgent days (and by indulgent I am talking fast food, chocolate, alcohol, cream, the works) and did you experience much (if any) weight gain? I am wondering how easy it is to put weight back on. I do not want to do this, especially as I have had to fight so hard to get it off. But at the same time I do want to enjoy life and not restrict myself from going out to events and parties just because of my diet! ! Thanks! Opal


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Lots of people have free days once a week, so I don't think it would be too bad. Also, lots of people zig zag their calories. I would just make sure to get your workouts in, water, eat really good the rest of the week and don't just pig out. Still be sensible! Also, remember an immediate weight gain could just be retaining water from eating foods that aren't the greatest for you! Good luck and enjoy yourself :)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Basically I have lost nearly three stone and gone down 3-4 dress sizes over the past year, using MFP. I go to the gym around 4-5 times a week and really enjoy it.
    However, I have a few special events planned this month, which will involve gorgeous, creamy rich foods.
    I know 3,500 calories is roughly 1lb. But I am wondering how fast the weight would creep on if I were to have a few indulgent days this month? I find 3,500 calories a huge amount.

    Has anyone had any experience of having a few indulgent days (and by indulgent I am talking fast food, chocolate, alcohol, cream, the works) and did you experience much (if any) weight gain? I am wondering how easy it is to put weight back on. I do not want to do this, especially as I have had to fight so hard to get it off. But at the same time I do want to enjoy life and not restrict myself from going out to events and parties just because of my diet! ! Thanks! Opal

    When I go away on holiday and indulge, I have always (except for one time) come back and find that 2lbs, sometimes 3lbs, has gone on. However, once I have gotten back into eating properly and exercising it does come straight back off.

    The only thing you need to be a little bit careful of is, by eating loads of stuff you have been cutting down on or cutting out altogether, you may start to crave more of them, so just be on your guard for that, you'll need to pull in your willpower.

  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    i'm lucky (or not?) at the moment that as i'm a big girl still its easy for me to loose weight still, therefore i allow myself chocolate/fast foods etc etc one day/evening etc and still average 2lbs a week weight loss.

    i think if you plan in advance for it you should be ok like if you've got 1 event every week where you know your goign to go nuts - do exercise 6 days a week so you build up some more exercise calories that you can use.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    You can ask for the cremes and sauces on the side. You do not have to eat the decadent desserts. I believe in the 2-3 bite rule. The first 2-3 bites, you take in all the decadent taste, after that you are just eating the dessert because it there in front of you. Take 2 bites and push it away. If you know there is a big meal planned, go light on your other meals.

    And find time to get in a workout, or at least a cardio workout. It allows for a little leniency in you calorie intake.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I have had a few of those evenings recently (am having one tonight as a matter of fact-it's my son's birthday) and I just planned ahead for them. Got a really good workout in, ate very sensibly the rest of the day (not starving myself but being on the lighter side of the calorie spectrum) and gone to dinner or the party and enjoyed myself immensely. I have logged a couple of those and wowser! it's amazing how quickly the calories add up! But in every case, I have continued to lose weight. May not have been much that week, but a loss is a loss. I also agree that you should only eat the stuff you love and that is "calorie worthy". If it's not wonderful, put it down and walk away.