
Hi there! My name is Theresa and I have recently had a set back in my journey. You name it and it has crossed my life in the past year... health issues, new job, relationship issues, teenager children, etc... just life at 47! I have maintained a 60 lb. weight loss since 2003, over 10 years! I have been an avid runner and finished a full marathon, several half marathons and have enjoyed running 5k's when I have the time. I work out at home, at the gym, on my own, with friends... I enjoy exercise! Over the past year, my career and personal mishaps have taken a toll on my health and I have gained 25 lbs. To say the least, I am very discouraged and disappointed with myself. I have been on this website for a few years, but haven't used it much in the past year (coincidence? I think not!)

Looking for some motivation and support regarding getting back into good health. It was a long journey to lose the 60 lbs and go from couch potato and junk food to running a marathon and feeling fit and health. I have been very discouraged for the past few months, watching the scale go up and my clothes get tighter. I had to buy a larger size in a few things just so I had something to wear that fit.

Does anyone have experience with this that will shout out "it can be done" I just need to hear "don't give up" from someone besides myself. I have logged for 9 days and have been focusing on healthy choices for meals and snacks as well as started run/walking again. I can barely run 3 miles without stopping anymore.

I read a lot of the posts on here and they are very helpful. Would love to hear from someone else who has experienced what I am going thorugh.



  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    You can do it!!
    Just remember, don't weigh everyday; log all your food; exercise; take measurments of yourself. And most importantly, Don't Give Up!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    You can do this! You did it once and you can do it again. The only thing that will stop you is giving up on yourself. :flowerforyou: