Thighs and stomach

For the most part the only two areas that i hold my weight are my thighs and stomach and the rest of my weight is evened out over my arms chest and calf's so I would like to hear some ideas on how to really focus on those two areas. I have been trying to get pretty much all my exercise in the morning before I go to work because after being on my feet for 10 hours at work the last thing i wanna do is exercise so if you guys could give me a few suggestions on something quick for in the morning after my jog i would be very great full



  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Unfortunately, Adamtall, you can't spot reduce. You could do all the crunches in the world, but it won't reduce fat on your belly, but after you lose your belly fat, you would see the benefits of all your hard work. If you haven't added weights to your routine, I would add them. Building a little muscle will help your body burn fat, and as you lose, give you a nice toned look, as opposed to some people who look a little "noodley" and weak after losing weight, but I think those that do some weights, look really toned and healthy.
  • hhyland
    Hi Adam - Well done for getting out in the morning for a jog. It's one of the best exercises that you can do for burning fat. I would suggest a bit a weight training and sit ups to compliment your fitness regime and help to tone up. Bear in mind that you could do these in front of the TV after work! Best of luck. H
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I don't believe you can spot reduce fat. It just comes off how it comes off unfortunately. Cardio exercise is the first step. You are on your way. Just keep moving, eating right, and losing weight, and the weight in your abdomen will come off eventually. You can work with some weights or do exercises to tone the muscle underneath, but you might have to wait to see the results until you lose a little more weight in that area. You can do it, just stay motivated.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Fat around the abdomin is the last place to go. Just our bodies wonderful safety feature! Yaay us!