Help again with calorie intake

Hya guys,

Need some advise again ; )

So I did a 6 hour hike today hill walking and with a backpack weighing about 1.5 stone.

To lose a pound a week I should be eating 1700 cals.

I have added up my calls for the day and as you will see on my diary I have eaten around 1850 .

I was advised here that myfitnesspal overestimates the calories burned so I logged 165 mins of exercise rather than 5.5 hrs, obviously I was given extra cals.

However I am full! I couldn't of eaten any more on the hike and I cant now...

What do people think? is this really so bad? any suggestions on how to get extra cals in without feeling full.

I don't want to lose weight too quick and I want to stay strong so I get fitter.

Many Thanks


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    One day being under isn't going to kill you. Consistently netting low calories is a whole different thing entirely.

    Also, a lot of people don't eat them all in one day. When I do a long run, I often eat a little more the day before and the day after. If you are hungrier tomorrow (which is not uncommon after a day of higher than normal activity), eat a little bit of those extra calories.

    ETA - if this is going to be a regular thing, then I would look for ways to start upping calories without adding tons of food. Full fat versions of food like milk, yogurt and cheese, nuts and nut butters, avocado, etc can add calories without adding bulk.
  • LMarie00
    LMarie00 Posts: 7
    Thanks : ) Ive been hiking now for a while, but never clocked my cals until now.

    I guess its just a case of listening to my body, makes sense as well to eat a bit more the night before and the day after
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    I would agree listening to your body is best thing to do. I try not to use the extra calories that is projected unless I feel hungry for another snack. Usually if am going on a long run the following day in the morning than I will drink a protein shake prior to sleeping but if I go for a long run in the evening ill carb up for lunch with quinoa or brown rice.