Critique my DEADLIFT and ROW please

I've been watching videos and reading tips alot,i feel
Like my form is actually pretty good.
All criticism welcome, i want to get better and prevent injury.

Video 1,
Deadlift Uploads/CAM00889_zpsed85cc8a.mp4.html

Video 2,
Barbell row Uploads/CAM00890_zpsae4fadaf.mp4.html


  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm just bumping for you. I thought your DL looked good, but I'm still kinda new.
  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    They both looked pretty good to me. You may be doing these things. I couldn't really tell, but always make sure you are pulling your shoulders down and bellybutton to spine.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    First - for both you need to elevate the barbell to around 8.5", which would be the height if you had a 45lb plate on each end.

    Second - you have the barbell waaaay too far away from your body on both lifts. The barbell should be scrapping your shins or close to it.

    Third - Work on your setup - watch this video -
  • Thanks. I agree that it's too far away but I'm really
    Tall with longer legs/torso ratio than average so bending
    Down too far is awkward which is why I did it that way.
    Does my back look like I kept good form throughout the movement
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I really thought you'd get more responses to this. I thought your back looked good. That's really what I was looking at, and you kept your butt back.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Back looks a little rounded on the deadlifts and the bar needs to be closer to your body.

    Slow it down on the rows and squeeze your back. Also try a reverse grip but not bent over as much.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    The bar is too far away from your body on the deadlift. When you get heavier, it's going to be a problem if you don't move it closer. The bar needs to be as close to straight above the center of your feet as possible, from beginning to end of the lift.

    If it's awkward, raise the bar up a few inches by placing an extra plate under the plates. Once you're deadlifting 135, you won't need to raise them up any more.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member

    * Use bumper plates or something to prop up your BB to 8.5-9" so that you're at the proper Deadlift height. As others have posted, once you're at 135# +, It won't be an issue anymore

    * It seems you have socks or something Flat on your feet which is good

    * Bar is way to far from your body, On your setup, try having the bar around the middle of your foot, not up right against the shins.

    * Feet positioning: Hard to tell from the vid, but it does seem a bit wide for a CV deadlift. Try having your heels about 12-18 inches apart, and toes a little angled out. You want your feet wide enough that when you drop your shoulder and arms to grab the bar, they are just outside your legs in a normal hang.

    * Sumo might be an option.

    * Hips look a bit high on setup. Sit back and lower your hips before your "push", your knees should go over the bar, and shins almost touching at that point, bringing the bar closer to you.

    * Hip drive is a bit late, almost at lockout position. Once the bar clears your knees, you want to drive your hips into it (think about banging the bar, seriously).

    * A little rounding in the upper back (chest out and tight on setup)

    Some good information on Deadlift:

    "So you think you can deadlift?"


    * Same as deads, try propping up the bar with bumper plates

    * Form is not to bad

    * Grip depends on the type of Row you're doing, not really an issue. You can also use a supinated grip (palms facing you)

    * Try having the bar path a little close to your body, and a little lower. I try and bring the bar below chest and above the belly button.

    Hope this helps a little OP
  • Thanks guys.