What did your weight stop you doing?

Hey guys,

I've been thinking a lot about this recently and just wondered what everyone elses thoughts were. Being overweight has stopped me doing so many things, not just on a physical level (I definitely won't be climbing mount Everest anytime soon haha!) but on an emotional one too.

For a few examples, it stopped me doing my Gold DofE, not because I wasn't fit enough but because all my friends backed out and I was terrified of being put in a group of strangers and being 'the fat one'. Same with things like doing gigs - if I know the people i'm doing them for, i'm fine, but if it's a stranger I'm instantly terrified they'll judge me and I turn down the offer. (I've been compared to Adele and i'm sure it wasn't the voice haha!)

Anyway, I was just wondering if this was a common weight related thing or if it's more down to self esteem issues .. although i'm sure these stem from weight in some way or another.

Also really keen to hear about all the things people do now they've lost weight/improved fitness that they couldn't before :)


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I didn't go to any high school reunions. (Not sure I would have anyway, didn't lose anything there and not in touch with a single person, but maybe.)

    I didn't ride the rides with my son when I took him to the fair.

    I didn't swim much with my son once he was old enough and swimming well enough to do it on his own.

    ~ I'm sure there's more but those were the first that came to mind.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    It stopped me from having any confidence about myself. Aside from wearing certain clothes, that's about it. I still did stuff.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    1. I gave up skydiving because my parachute rig was rated for 225 lbs max, not 270.
    2. I could no longer run more than 150 yards.
    4. My libido fell to zero.

    Now, one year later and down 65 lbs I can easily run a couple miles to the plane in full gear and could probably get it on during free fall.
  • HannahMRoman
    Gawd... It has impacted so much on my life there is loads! but to list a few:

    Stopped me from enjoying my pregnancy - i was under consultant care throughout due to high bmi, extra attention made me feel like an 'unsafe environment' for my baby and ruined the experience entirely

    Stops me from buying beautiful clothes (could be a blessing, i'm broke as it is!)

    Stops me from enjoying things like swimming with my little boy and like another poster said, going on fun fair rides

    Stops me from feeling confident - being shouted at in the street by strangers is never good for that!

    The list goes on and on. Low point at the weekend though -

    The weight stopped me enjoying regular garden furniture (broke a *quite robust actually* garden chair in front of the inlaws) - not a proud moment :(
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    stops me from wearing skimpy clothes, (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but is hard in the summer sometimes when it gets 115 degrees out!
    i think it's been really emotional because i look in the mirror and don't look the way i feel on the inside, i feel skinny inside and i want it to be reality!
    definitely prevented me from getting any tattoos because i have wanted some on my side, but want it to be when i'm fit so they look nice
    it's made me not want to take any pictures as i am kind of ashamed and embarrassed.
    oh and definitely swimming, i want to be able to go swimming and be comfortable
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Going to the beach or pool, at home i pretty much walk around topless all the time because i feel comfortable but in the summer i want to walk topless around too but am ashamed
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    So many.....few from the top of my head.

    * Stopped going out :noway:
    * Sex (what was that) :blushing:
    * Couldn't find decent clothes (in fact I was wearing men's clothes as they didn't make womens in my size) :blushing:

    * Couldn't be a fully functioning, fun Mum and Wife. Had no energy, hurt to walk let alone run or play with the kids :sad:

    Had to put the icons in.....list made me feel REALLY depressed.
  • Pasharain
    Pasharain Posts: 3
    Shopping at "normal" clothing stores instead of Catherine's.
    Riding most water slides and theme park rides during my last vacation.
    Being comfortable on the water slides and theme park rides I did "fit."
    Wearing a swimsuit that doesn't have an attached skirt.
  • GeorgieGuitar
    Ah, I hadn't thought about all the tattoos I've really wanted but been too worried about placement or weight loss! Damn, so putting that as a treat for reaching my last goal! :D
  • GeorgieGuitar
    Shopping at "normal" clothing stores instead of Catherine's.
    Riding most water slides and theme park rides during my last vacation.
    Being comfortable on the water slides and theme park rides I did "fit."
    Wearing a swimsuit that doesn't have an attached skirt.

    It's really motivating to hear these!
  • mfezziwig359
    mfezziwig359 Posts: 21 Member
    It stopped me from...

    Wearing short skirts;
    Going sleeveless;
    Buying clothes that were cute rather than functional;
    Going on camping trips or hikes (didn't want to slow everyone else down)
    And finally, auditioning for community theater productions, and from contacting a casting director for extra work (and why? Because I'd have to list height, weight and clothing size. Too embarrassed.)
    Three weeks ago I went to my first audition in years, then got a callback, then got a role... and then the production folded. But I'm going to another audition tomorrow.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ever being seen with my shirt off outside of my wife (and even that was limited).
    Dressing the way I want. A lot of the styles/fit I like look awful on a fat man.
    Going out for roles in my professional career that suited me well, but I was just too damn fat to be taken seriously for.
    It stopped me from dating when I was younger. Too much shame.
    At my largest the shame was so deep I stopped going out socially.

    I let my weight stop me in a thousand and one other ways that equaled up to a lot of lost time and missed opportunities.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Seeing my toes
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    i want to go sky diving.. weigh limit is 200. (almost there)
    i want my belly pierced...
    im moving to Colorado with my family next year and i want to take the beautiful mountains for what they are, take my kids hiking and be outdoorsy. (:
    cutte swimming suits...
    also i want to help my self confidence. im recently married and my weight is taking a toll on me thinking my husband is going to leave me. /:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    it stopped me from seeing all of my schween.

    now that ive lost weight, i realize i wasnt missing much of it.

  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Leaving my house almost ever

    Wearing anything that didn't have me completely covered up
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    touching my toes

    who cares anyways, what use that has ever done me.

  • GeorgieGuitar
    it stopped me from seeing all of my schween.

    now that ive lost weight, i realize i wasnt missing much of it.


    This made me genuinely snort out loud hahahahah!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    It stops me wearing the clothes I want to wear and stops me from liking myself.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    So this is stupid - it stopped me from wearing shorts. Summers I was already hot because of the extra layer or five of insulation. Add jeans on top of that? Terrible. Now that I"ve lost some weight, shorts are my new best friend.