Done With Excuses

Hi all! I'm newish to MFP. I created an account last year then I was distracted by life and kind of fell off for awhile. I'm back with the motivation to go this time. I recently saw a picture of myself at a party and could hardly recognize that person as me. My goal is to lose 30lbs to put me back into a healthy weight range. I'd really love to hear and learn more from others going through the weight loss and healthy living process. I am open to suggestions, tips, motivation, and anything anyone has to offer that can help me reach my goal. I'm hoping to be able to help support others and their goals as well.

I know this is not an overnight process, I'm just hoping to get back into a healthy routine and find happiness in myself. I've written a little more about myself in my blog, so feel free to check that out too.

Hoping to enjoy this journey with you all!