Aspiring triathlete

Is one a triathlete even if they're slow as molasses? Maybe a triathlon participant instead?

So I got this crazy idea in my head that I'd like to do a triathlon at some point. I mean, I can swim, I bike a lot a lot, and I'm working on my running. Why not do them all together? I almost acted on my crazy thought and nearly signed up for my gym's sprint distance all women's tri in August, but I stopped myself after looking at the beginners training plan they provide and realized I didn't have enough time to properly train.

So, now I'm looking for resources so I can prepare for the triathlon next year. I figure by then I'll be at my goal weight and will have a bigger fitness base to tackle this. So, what should I read to help me prepare? Books, websites, forums, magazines, MFP groups? Got a good beginners training plan? At present, I can swim indefinitely (although slow), bike 50+ miles (at a moderate 12mph pace) and can waddle/run along slowly for an hour or so.



  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    If you can do all of that at your current level you can enter a sprint now. Just make sure you are comfortable with open water swimming vs a pool or sign up for one that you swim in a pool.

    As for the rest just google beginner triathlon and read up some or send me your questions. I'll be glad to help.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    If you train like a triathlete, and you race to the best of your abilities, and you keep racing and training, in my opinion, you're a triathlete.

    My doctor wouldn't allow me to run due to severe OA but I walked the run, and it was AWESOME. You don't need to be at your goal weight. I wasn't. I still got the medal, like everyone else. My goals were to survive/finish, not come in last overall (200 after me!), not last in my age group (11 after me, yeah!), and less than 2 hours (1:45). My next tri is next month. Worst case scenario you can do a relay

    My personal book recommendations are Slow, Fat Triathlete (I could so identify with that one) and Triathlon for the Every Woman.
    There is a Duathletes/Triathletes forum on MFP that is fairly active. Honestly with what you're saying now, you can at the very least handle a sprint tri. Go for it!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Is one a triathlete even if they're slow as molasses? Maybe a triathlon participant instead?

    So I got this crazy idea in my head that I'd like to do a triathlon at some point. I mean, I can swim, I bike a lot a lot, and I'm working on my running. Why not do them all together? I almost acted on my crazy thought and nearly signed up for my gym's sprint distance all women's tri in August, but I stopped myself after looking at the beginners training plan they provide and realized I didn't have enough time to properly train.

    So, now I'm looking for resources so I can prepare for the triathlon next year. I figure by then I'll be at my goal weight and will have a bigger fitness base to tackle this. So, what should I read to help me prepare? Books, websites, forums, magazines, MFP groups? Got a good beginners training plan? At present, I can swim indefinitely (although slow), bike 50+ miles (at a moderate 12mph pace) and can waddle/run along slowly for an hour or so.


    There is a group here if you are interested. is a popular website.

    I also liked Your First Triathlon by Joe Friel, which is what I used as a resource for my first one.

    Other resources I would suggest - find out if there is a tri club in your area. Mine changed my life. Same with a Masters swim group (here, both pretty much overlap).

    I'm going to throw this out there - if you think you can complete the swim (I say that because that is often everyone's weak point) no matter how slow, I'd say go for it and sign up for that August triathlon.
    Years ago when I was in the best shape of my life (at that point) I dreamt of doing a triathlon but kept saying I wasn't ready. Fast forward a few years, after being hit by a car while running and gaining 30 or so lbs and desperately out of shape, I started swimming with a master swim group. At that point I couldn't even freestyle properly (ie never put my head under water). This was January. I was a slow biker and couldn't run 5k straight. By the end of June, I finished my first sprint triathlon. I came in last. I walked on the run, the swim was horrible, but I finished. I didn't follow a training plan. I swam twice a week and biked or ran once or twice a week each.
    I was so mad at myself for not trying it before. I've been improving since.

    I say go for it.

    Edited because I forgot the group link
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    You can definitely complete a sprint. I would just do your regular workouts, build your aerobic base. Work on your best sport maybe 1-2 times per week and your worst at least 3 times. Next year work on getting better!! You don't need a ton of time, you just need to make each workout count.

    Good luck!!

    Edit: and do a bike/run brick at least once per week. It's a weird feeling that takes some getting used to.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Do it!!!! I did a sprint tri in April. I was 3rd from last, but I'm so proud of myself for doing it. My swimming was (and is still) very poor, and I am anxious in the water, bike was fine, run okay. I did it with a friend for moral support. My gym were very supportive, and I used Beginner Triathlete too.
  • slerich
    slerich Posts: 14 Member
    Do it!!!! I did my first triathlon back in 2010!! Prior to doing this race I had ran my frist ever 5k and my boss at the time told me I could do it and we would train together to do it. I didn't even own a bike when I signed up.I found a training program online for a sprint distance and just followed it best I could. I focused more on the swim because that scared me. It was a super sprint 200 meter swim, 10 mile bike and 2 mile run. It was a pool swim and I even walked a little bit of it. Did the bike on a mountain bike (fat tire division). Run wasn't fast at all comparative..13 min pace...even walked some of it!!

    I was then a triathlete and still am. I have done several traithlon since that one probably close to 20 or so. Planning on doing my frist Olympic distance in July and plan to do a Half Ironman next year.

    Send me a message if you have more questions and i would be glad to help you! :) August is plenty of time!
  • Tri2013
    Tri2013 Posts: 1 Member
    A wise man once told me: "Just get off your *kitten* and do it!"
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I did my first Triathlon before goal weight and didn't run at all. If you do the triathlon, you are a triathlete in my opinion.
    I will say the triathlon community was wonderful, as slow as I felt, they accomplished ones were encouraging and awesome. It did make me feel like a true athlete.
    It is an amazing feeling when you cross the finish line, no matter how long it takes. I beat my goal time by 10 minutes, I didn't finish last in my age group and a beat my brother :) It was an awesome day.
    Scary at the start, but awesome!
  • WannabeSC
    WannabeSC Posts: 28 Member
    Never put anything off that you can do today!!! There are no guarantees, it is about getting better, which you will, but enjoy what you are already capable of accomplishing! It is your personal journey, get started on it!
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I used Beginner ( ) to train for my triathlon. I was strictly a participant. It's not too late to train for a sprint this year. You can get your feet wet this year and set a goal for next year.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragements and suggestions! Alas now I'm traveling the weekend of the tri, but with your encouragement, I'm checking out the indoor triathlons my Y puts on several times in the winter. I can start with a mini sprint (400y, 10 miles, 1 mile), move up to a spring (500 y, 10 miles, 2 miles) and then end winter with their mega sprint (600 y, 12 miles, 5k).

    I have a phobia about swimming in open water, so I'm going to head out to the lake this summer and practice swimming there, then maybe take a masters class. I also need to work on my running - I really am a penguin. A 5k wipes me out, and I can't really imagine doing a 5k after swimming and biking.

    It looks like my Y also has a ton of endurance sports classes so I'm going to keep my eyes open for what they offer in the fall and plan to do my first mini tri indoors in January :)