Best exercises

For the people who have lost weight, what exercises did you do? What are the best things to do for weight loss?


  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    You can lose weight without any exercise at all if you want to... all you really need to lose weight is a caloric deficit, meaning you're expending more energy than you're consuming. So the best exercise for weight loss (aside from the proverbial fork-putdowns and table-pushaways) is anything that results in a caloric deficit and you will continue to do.

    For me, starting out, that was walking. Now (in maintenance) I enjoy Krav Maga -- and weight lifting to maintain and/or build lean mass, although I don't consider it a "weight loss" tool. I like some other activities too, but the Krav and lifting are the things I do consistently.

    For you, it could be running, hiking, swimming, cycling, circuit training, rock climbing, dancing, any number of sports, you name it. Find what you really enjoy doing, and/or at least what's convenient for you. Long as you'll keep it up, it's good. And for best results, you probably want to incorporate some kind of resistance training to preserve your lean mass as you lose weight.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Basically every piece of cardio equipment in the gym and lots of free weights. Change it up often so you don't get bored.