carbs/protein before bed?

Opinions? Am currently on the 40grs of carbs pre workout and whatever gr's needed afterwards to complete my daily carb intake.

Protein I take whey right after working out. Been seeing that some people recommend casein before going to bed. Along with this, been seeing also that carbs after working out is not that beneficial since it will take longer to digest (period in which the body might recur to muscle for energy).

Any thoughts?


  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Casein is a waste of money. Your body doesn't go catabolic in your sleep and metabolize your muscle. Carbs are necessary to muscle growth and repair, and increase the anabolic response when combined with protein post workout. My opinion? Stop listening to others and do research for yourself. Catabolic sleep and the 30 minute anabolic window are boogey men created by supplement companies to steal your money.
  • renzo211
    renzo211 Posts: 25
    Thanks for the quick response. Am still leaning towards maintaining my current habits which is what I posted to begin with, some carbs pre workout and protein with carbs post work out.

    Maybe others can give a shout or two about waht they think.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Carbs are VERY important after a's your fuel storage for the next workout.