Turbo Fire Cal Burn Question

Hi Friends!
My HRM is broken (I really should send it in to be replaced!!!) but I was wondering what you burn during your workouts? I weigh 128.5lbs and when I entered the workout as a "high impact aerobics" it said I burned 198 calories. Really? It feels like I burn way way WAY more....


  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I usually enter it under kickboxing (turbo jam). I try not to include the warm up time into "workout time", so I usually subtract 5 mins off of the Fire 45, 55, 60...etc.

    Hope that helps!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Just finished TF 60 this morning and my bodybugg showed I burned 535 calories during that hour.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey there! I just got my Turbo Fire in. In one of the books provided it says that an average TurboFire workout burns 650 calories!!!
    Hope this helps :)