Ladies (and gentleman!)..You're NOT ugly..

jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
I posted this on my newsfeed earlier, and feel like it needs a bigger audience.

PSA to everyone..Especially the ladies. I am an esthetician, which means I help people take care of their skin by performing facials and recommending a skin care routine. The past 2 days in a row I've had two of my clients at work make a similar statement regarding their appearance.

The first of the two is a mid 20's woman. She made the comment that the reason she comes in to see me every 3-4 weeks is that she hopes that it will make her look better one day. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. Is she a supermodel? Maybe not, but she has great bone structure and the sweetest freckles. And best of all, she is funny and just an all out great person. There is nothing UGLY about her. Nothing! My second client today mentioned that she had thought about going to the hardware store next door after her treatment, but she just couldn't because she thought she'd look terrible without makeup. Again..This women is gorgeous. With or without makeup! I told her she was being silly and there is nothing she should be ashamed about....

It is a shame that these ladies have such a poor self image of themselves that they would ever feel that way. There is beauty in everyone. I know that I happen to work in an industry that is somewhat superficial, but my intention is to help people feel better about their skin..I had terrible acne growing up. Cystic acne..The kind that swells and deforms your skin. I know how it is to feel ugly. My acne is in remission and I've learned to accept my scars (luckily they're few!) and by investing in great skincare products and limiting sun exposure and damage I am at peace with my appearance. I don't allow myself to feel ugly. I know my worth. Everyone should know their worth, and that's a million bucks. Please stop looking at yourself from 2 inches in front of the mirror and nitpicking every detail. You're beautiful. It's ok to improve yourself, just love yourself. Ok, I'm done ranting for now, and thank you for I just had to get this out.


  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
  • gelendestrasse
    OK, I can work with that. But I'm not going to win any contests for aesthetics either. I'm just an engineer.....
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    The older I get, the more I understand this. I've met/encountered some people with very attractive features that truly are "ugly", and it comes from the inside, NOT the outside. Seriously.
  • tag624
    tag624 Posts: 166 Member
    I needed to read this, bc most days I feel so ugly