Anyone use a stepmill often?

gpeach1 Posts: 13 Member
The mini escalator type. Love/hate it. Does being 100 pds overweight cause more lactic acid to build up while on this? Will it burn less when I am lighter? My legs burn so bad I stop around 10 flights for 30-60 seconds. Once pain goes away I start again. Been working out with trainer 3 times a week for 5 months now. Just thought it would get easier as I lost weight and got stronger.


  • AngelsFan91106
    AngelsFan91106 Posts: 111 Member
    The good news is, yes, it would definitely get easier as you lose weight and get stronger. The bad news is, it's never going to be THAT easy. And frankly, that's why I use the stepmill. I know my body is working harder while on it than if I were on the elliptical.

    Good luck and keep at it. :- )