Night Owl/Weight loss

I've heard that it's better for your body/weight loss if you go to bed early and get your day started early. I'm a college student that doesn't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn (thank God!) and am really more of a night owl. I get a good amount of sleep, but I really do work better later in the day, especially at night. I'd really like to make whatever changes are necessary to get results. I'm not having difficulty losing anything right now, but would it be beneficial to start making changes to my routine? Or does it not matter all that much?


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    When you sleep really doesn't matter. Weight loss is all about calories in vs caloires out. I work 3 12 hour night shifts a week and stay up until at least 2 am the rest of the week. You still need to get an adequate amount of sleep but if you stay up late and sleep in that's fine. I always tell my nightshift coworkers who blame weight gain on working nights that "foods contains the same calories between 7pm and 7am as they do between 7am and 7pm".