Magical Breakfast



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member

    I arrive at work about 15 min after I wake up and I almost never eat breakfast, unless I remember to store some granola in my desk.

    Exactly. I wake up late also. My "breakfast" is around the time other people are eating lunch. Eat at the times that suit your body.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I thought this was going to be about something dirty, similar to the term "Hot Lunch."
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    Ugh. I'm never ever hungry during breakfast hours.. my breakfast merged into my am snack/lunch.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    You don't HAVE to eat breakfast if you don't want to, as long as skipping it doenst have you reaching for snacks before lunchtime.

    And it does nothing magical with your metabolism either.

    What's wrong with snacks before lunch?
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    So breakfast is the most important meal of the day... what constitutes enough to "stimulate my metabolism" or whatever they say?

    I arrive at work about 15 min after I wake up and I almost never eat breakfast, unless I remember to store some granola in my desk.

    Does my cup of coffee count as "breakfast"? What about a glass of milk? Does it need to be something solid in my stomach to have all those magical breakfast effects?

    Whether people here think breakfast is important or not is pretty irrelevant. Some people do better eating breakfast, some people skip it. Do what's best for you. I personally love breakfast and rarely skip it. I typically make sure to get up plenty early enough to make myself a nice breakfast that I eat sitting down off of a plate. I like to incorporate veggies & meat into it. Sometimes I have pre-prepared some of it so that all I have to do is reheat it and fry some eggs to go with it.

    I don't know that there are "magical breakfast effects." I think it depends on you, your current state of health, your activity level...etc. If you think eating a better breakfast will help you in some way, I suggest giving it a try for 2 weeks. Get out of bed earlier and make it a priority. If you find that it doesn't give you the results you are looking for, go back to your old habits.
  • tarak75103
    tarak75103 Posts: 23 Member
    I have done it all different kinds of ways. Skip it, eat it, small, large, what it is, dont care what it is, shakes, I can say without a doubt it did not matter. The only thing that has mattered is how much I eat in a day.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Magical breakfast....anything like cinnamon rolls lathered in icing or anything involving peanut butter is about a pixie fart away from blowing my mind.

    Meal timing is irrelevant to weight loss and is purely up to the individual in terms of sustainability and adherence to one's diet. Typically things with a decent amount of protein, fiber and fat leave me more sustained longer in terms of meals but again, that's my preference. I don't typically break my fast with anything aside from coffee until about 6 hours after I've woken up
  • Nikkisfitblog
    Nikkisfitblog Posts: 149 Member
    Magical breakfast....anything like cinnamon rolls lathered in icing or anything involving peanut butter is about a pixie fart away from blowing my mind.

    Meal timing is irrelevant to weight loss and is purely up to the individual in terms of sustainability and adherence to one's diet. Typically things with a decent amount of protein, fiber and fat leave me more sustained longer in terms of meals but again, that's my preference. I don't typically break my fast with anything aside from coffee until about 6 hours after I've woken up

    ^ this :)
    That is a magical breakfast, just needs bacon!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,507 Member
    I try to put off eating breakfast for as long as possible because once my body gets some food in it, it's on. I am hungry for the rest of the day. :frown:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Medical journals aside, I think it mostly just depends on the person. If you are not eating all morning, because you don't feel hungry, but by lunch you're famished, and just reach for the first thing you see that tastes good, and will fill you up quickly, then I say you should probably eat breakfast. If not, then just skip it. I have heard that eating it will speed metabolism, but who knows if it's true, or by how much.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    As mentioned, breakfast is really no more important then any other meal of the day. The body doesn't recognize "meal times". It recognizes food consumption. Whether it's day time or night time, it breaks down and digests food the same way. It's not faster in the morning than it is at night.
    As for "getting metabolism going", metabolism increases with physical movement. So as soon as one stirs out of bed, metabolic rate goes up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^This. All those who say breakfast speeds your metabolism clearly don't understand the thermic effect of food, and how little it has to do with overall metabolism. Meal timing and frequency is irrelevant to weight loss. Also, the argument that not eating breakfast will cause you to snack and eat more speaks to overall caloric intake and individual control - not the fact that one doesn't eat breakfast. I eat roughly 3000 calories a day. Doesn't matter if I skip breakfast or eat it. Personally, I eat within an hour of waking up, but its a personal choice. I train at night, and when I wake up I'm hungry. If I consume 3000 calories by the end of the day and I don't eat breakfast, it doesn't matter in the least bit. Calories in vs out.