New here :)

Hey everyone! I'm Lacie. I've tried counting calories in the past but I failed miserably. I try to lose too quickly then end up giving up because I'm starving and it is so much easier to be fat and lazy. This time I am determined to be successful! My son just turned one and is constantly on the move. I really want to be able to play with him and actually be able to keep up. I'm so afraid that if I don't change my habits, my son will end up picking them up or he won't have a mother in his life. Any advice would help me greatly. If anyone is in the same boat, or just needs a friend, please feel free to add me.

Thanks! :)


  • soffi3
    soffi3 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, we're in similar boats, adding you...
  • lisi45
    lisi45 Posts: 1
    I'm new here as well. I just started today and know no one who uses this app. I have tried counting calories/diets in the past and have failed as well. I have three boys and I feel like I've wasted so much time being lazy. So many opportunities to play that I can't get back. I want to change that. I don't want to be lazy anymore. I also don't want to be a quitter anymore either. I want this motivation I feel today to carry forward. Changing the way I think is the really hard part.