Looking for motivated / driven friends!

Hey guys,

I've been using MFP for quite a while now and been inconsistent with my goals thus getting inconsistent results. I woke up a few weeks ago and look at the mirror, I can't make the injury an excuse anymore (got injured from Achilles rupture April last year from basketball camp), although I've been working out consistently I was not reaching my goal. I am still at 217-218 lbs, at 5'11 that's too heavy. Before my injury i was 195 lbs. still 10 lbs. higher than my ideal weight. I am fed up of being less than what I can be, I know I can achieve my goals given the right strategy and motivation. If you are in the same boat and you don't want to settle anymore, add me up and let's take this journey together as a team and motivate and hold each other accountable.

No excuses (unless it's an emergency or special situation) on work out and eating pattern, i'm ready when you are.

Add me!
