Rest days: how important are they, is guilt-free possible?



  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    Progress isn't made while you work out. It's made while your body is repairing itself on your rest days.

    Proper rest is just as if not more important than the workouts themselves.

    SIlly reply :huh:

    rude reply to silly reply......:ohwell:
  • TheWorstHorse
    Okay, y'all are making me feel like a lazy bum. Am I the only one who feels NO guilt for rest days? In fact, I work out M-F and count down to Saturday morning.....yep, I count down. After Monday's workout I say to myself...."1 morning down, 4 to go" on and so forth. lol

    No guilt here. Recovery/rest days are important to maintaining fitness, let alone making progress.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    The two most important days of the week in RE to my fitness are Wednesdays and Sundays....because they are my rest days...these are the days that my body gets to rest and recover and build and become stronger.

    They are important and should be viewed as an essential part of your fitness regimen...they are part of your workout essentially.

    Note that "rest day" doesn't necessarily mean sitting around doing nothing. I walk my dog 7 days per week for 2-3 miles regardless...I often do some restorative yoga on rest days. Sundays have been mandated by my wife to be rest days so that I can get the grass mowed and other yard work done as well as fixing random **** around the house. I take my kids to the zoo or pool, etc...I'm still generally pretty active. I'm just taking a rest from anything vigorous to let my body recover...recovery is extremely important to your fitness.

    but it's fine if you do practically nothing also. sure if you have chores to do- do them- that's not anything else- you would be doing them regardless of workouts or none workouts so I don't consider that rest- or none rest really.

    I'm extremely busy- I take upwards of 10 hours of dance class a wee- plus my 2 hr lifting sessions 3-4 a week. two of my "rest days" includes 3 hours of often intense dance... so come Thursday- and Sunday- I'm 100% okay sitting on the couch- RESTING.

    my body needs it. could I go do something? sure- when I first started a 3 day split- I was going bonkers thinking it wasn't enough. Fast forward 6 weeks into the program and I'm so grateful for days off.

    Don't feel bad for allowing your body time to repair itself.

    Saturday and Sunday I will sit my butt on the couch and marathon watch Netflix if we have no other plans. I worked hard during the week and I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Sure there are rest days where I end up going for walks or running errands but there have been rest days that I clocked in 2,000 steps and not given a hoot.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Okay, y'all are making me feel like a lazy bum. Am I the only one who feels NO guilt for rest days? In fact, I work out M-F and count down to Saturday morning.....yep, I count down. After Monday's workout I say to myself...."1 morning down, 4 to go" on and so forth. lol

    I agree and I disagree with you. I have no guilt whatsoever for my rest days but I don't look forward to them or count down towards them. Overall I enjoy my workouts. It took me a long time to find something that is active that I enjoy but now I have. I drag my feet sometimes and just act plain old lazy but overall I quite enjoy my workouts.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I have ONE sacred REST DAY scheduled every week (saturday). If I am not feeling well one week, or have extra soreness/tireness/illness I take another one. My running guru taught me the importance of this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Okay, y'all are making me feel like a lazy bum. Am I the only one who feels NO guilt for rest days? In fact, I work out M-F and count down to Saturday morning.....yep, I count down. After Monday's workout I say to myself...."1 morning down, 4 to go" on and so forth. lol

    Almost everyone on this thread has established that rest days are essential and that one shouldn't feel guilty about not sure why you're feeling like the only one in this thread who feels NO guilt...confuzzled...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Personally I like 1-2 rest days per week. Sometimes I do one active rest day (just yoga or walking) but one day a week I do NOTHING that is purposefully exercise. It really aids with my recovery, helps me get stronger and avoid injury.

    I feel guilty when I DON'T rest. I've had overuse injuries and they are not cool. That being said, it's not uncommon for me to work out 90-180 minutes on an average day so I need the rest days!
  • TMattP
    TMattP Posts: 49 Member
    Wednesday is my rest day. Had a nightmare run on Monday and Tuesday. Feel a lot better now for easing off for that one day.

    No guilt whatsoever tho I did give me free weights a nasty look earlier this evening. :)