What I Know/What I Don't Know

I'm down 50 lbs and my blood pressure is down. I feel better.

What I know:
1. Tracking/Self-monitoring is important. I log what I eat (not precisely measured these days). I weigh everyday and take my blood pressure everyday. I track sleep, steps, activity. I limit sodium.
2. Exercise is important for health and well being. I have increased my walking. Doing some bicycling (a major accomplishment). Trying to get some high intensity intervals on exercise bike a couple of times per week. Trying to keep doing my physical therapy exercises for lower extremities and balance.Strength training is mostly on the "to do list" except for squats.
3. Paying attention to what I eat seems to help. Limiting carbs by omitting grains, added sugar, starchy veggies and high glycemic index fruits seems to help my weight loss and cravings. Filling up on green leaves and non-starchy veggies keeps the hunger down, keeps me regular, and just feels good. I add some protein powder to my breakfast smoothie and try for 20-30 grams per meal or snack.
4. Accountability helps keep me on track. I use MFP, FitBit and Facebook friends for support and accountability. I track my stats at: http://johntmoore.blogspot.com/

What I Don't Know/Wish I Knew:
1. The limits of Calories In/Calories Out. Clearly calorie reduction results in weight loss, at least in short run, for most people. With effort, weight loss can be maintained, for some or most people. Yet, according to studies, very few people manage to keep the weight down over the long haul. What factors help with maintenance? Monitoring, accountability?
2. Does what we eat matter? Pay attention to macros? What mix? I suspect, given my fat distribution and high blood pressure, I fit the metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance profile. Limiting carbs has worked for me in terms of weight loss and lowering blood pressure. What effects do carbs, particular carbs, generally have metabolically and what are the individual differences? What mechanisms are involved?

Just what's on my mind this morning. All the best for your health and well-being!


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    good list

    i think your "what i dont know/wish i knew" list has the 2 things most debated and wondered by others who are losing weight. im a firm believer that calories in vs out is an effective way to lose weight, but i also think it definitely has its limitations or restrictions that may help it be more/less effective for weight loss i.e. certain hormonal changed cause by a switch of diet, or a lack of nutrients, but there are so many variables it is very difficult to narrow these things down. i also think that what we eat does matter, but only to the extent of achieving a proper nutritional balance. it doesnt matter if you eat a cheeseburger or a plate of broccoli and a chicken breast as long as they have similar macro content, but if say your meal lacks in protein your muscles will suffer and they may be broken down moreso during weight loss than if proper protein amounts were eaten or energy levels effected by lack of carbs ect.