"How I increased productivity with beer and running"

Need extra motivation to workout? Try this novel approach.
"I ran and drank beer every day for 3 years."
No slouch:
"I ran 30 miles for my 30th birthday, set PRs in the 5K and half marathon, and raced a sub 5-minute mile. I was running faster at age 30 than I did as a high school cross country athlete."

Some good points overall (obvious of course):
"This gave me an appreciation for the power of habit. Consistency is the best training plan.

Even on days I wasn’t feeling it, I knew I had to get out for at least one mile. Knowing I could have a beer for the effort when I got home made it even easier. Usually those single miles would turn into much longer runs as running became second nature."
I always thought being a Milwaukee and Wisconsin native that we should have post-workout beer-based shake. It's our damn birth-right after all.

A little reward can go a long way.



  • When I was in the gym every day and throwing up some serious weight, I found that I performed loads better when I had a nice hearty beer or 3 every night. I need to get back into that. Completely goes against low carb diet plans though. You know what. now that I have typed that out I realize I need to get back on that rotation again. Thanks for jogging my memory. (no pun intended)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL my gym laughs at me when I come from the bar and then come to workout- I don't do it often- by my bestie was stationed here so we would go have dinner - I'd have a beer and then we would go our separate ways- me usually to the gym.

    I had great workouts- but that was only one beer in... I'm a light weight- two and I would have never made it!!!
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    You know what. now that I have typed that out I realize I need to get back on that rotation again. Thanks for jogging my memory. (no pun intended)

    What's your fave post-workout beer? Summer's here and I am in full IPA mode.
    LOL my gym laughs at me when I come from the bar and then come to workout- I don't do it often- by my bestie was stationed here so we would go have dinner - I'd have a beer and then we would go our separate ways- me usually to the gym.

    I had great workouts- but that was only one beer in... I'm a light weight- two and I would have never made it!!!
    Back in my 20's we would go out and binge all night, make it to work at 8am while stinking up the elevator giving away last night's activities, work all day, hit the gym.

    Rinse and repeat.
  • What's your fave post-workout beer? Summer's here and I am in full IPA mode.

    I am A-L-W-A-Y-S in full IPA mode. That said, my go to after the gym, was a hearty Oatmeal Stout or a Heavy Dark Ale. I am just now getting back into homebrewing for the upcoming NFL season and my main beer is what I call Midnight Stout.. The half dozen who have tried it ask for it constantly when I am brewing, so I guess it is OK.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    What's your fave post-workout beer? Summer's here and I am in full IPA mode.

    I am A-L-W-A-Y-S in full IPA mode. That said, my go to after the gym, was a hearty Oatmeal Stout or a Heavy Dark Ale. I am just now getting back into homebrewing for the upcoming NFL season and my main beer is what I call Midnight Stout.. The half dozen who have tried it ask for it constantly when I am brewing, so I guess it is OK.
    My brother home brews and around the NFL season too. I'll drink stouts mostly in winter, along with porters in fall. I've wanted to brew, but have to many other hobbies consuming my time.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    had a tipsy workout or two (or more then i care to admit) myself lol.

    believe it or not, food would be more compelling a reward for me these days lol

    smoke weed 'ery day
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    had a tipsy workout or two (or more then i care to admit) myself lol.

    believe it or not, food would be more compelling a reward for me these days lol

    smoke weed 'ery day

    This goes for me too. Minus weed...i just really like food.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    I run so I can drink a few more :)

    Also the best way to combat the weekend partying is playing 2 hours of field hockey slightly hung over :)

    Sadly I've noticed as I lose weight, I'm more of a lightweight. Time to cut down a bit.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have also been to the gym after drinking, but only one beer.

    My trainer and I became good friends and we would have a training session, then he would come over for dinner and beer afterwards. That is how I paid for my sessions for 3 months - food and beer.

    My Saturday morning boot camp instructor was used to us coming to class hungover. He did not appreciate the girl that was still drunk. A good sweat session after drinking lessons the hangover for me.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Beer must be the secret cause there's no way I could have worked out this morning after vodka... :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Back in my 20's we would go out and binge all night, make it to work at 8am while stinking up the elevator giving away last night's activities, work all day, hit the gym.

    Rinse and repeat.

    omg- no way- there is no way I could do it- i just can't deal with that quantity of alcohol. I have once in my life gone to work- STILL DRUNK (not significantly ) but I definitely hadn't reached hangover stage... it was the weirdest thing.

    Glad that it's not a thing I do- I just cant'- I feel so icky!!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'd rather work out drunk then hung over
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    omg- no way- there is no way I could do it- i just can't deal with that quantity of alcohol. I have once in my life gone to work- STILL DRUNK (not significantly ) but I definitely hadn't reached hangover stage... it was the weirdest thing.

    Glad that it's not a thing I do- I just cant'- I feel so icky!!!

    I barely booze anymore because I've become slightly allergic to alcohol and functioning the next day sucks. Damn 40s! Besides, I don't want to miss a workout anymore. Clock is ticking.

    I will say this, back in my 20/30s working out was a sure way to clear a hangover faster and made those post workout bloody marys that much more satisfying.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    i'd rather work out drunk then hung over
    I used to skate and snowboard and the last time I had a few drinks while snowboarding led me with an minor ACL.

    I think I rather drink when I'm drinking. :drinker:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    i'd rather work out drunk then hung over
    I used to skate and snowboard and the last time I had a few drinks while snowboarding led me with an minor ACL.

    I think I rather drink when I'm drinking. :drinker:


    any time "here hold my beer" is said- it's usually not a good sign!
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    i'd rather work out drunk then hung over
    I used to skate and snowboard and the last time I had a few drinks while snowboarding led me with an minor ACL.

    I think I rather drink when I'm drinking. :drinker:


    any time "here hold my beer" is said- it's usually not a good sign!

    Unless "hold my beer" is an euphemism for "here, hold this beer bong" when your twenty and a n00b.