Does the scale matter any more?

Ok, I lost a lot of weight and I got to a point where I'm very happy with what the scale says and how my clothes fit etc. I always need a fitness goal though, otherwise, I get bored. So, I decided to start lifting heavy. I met with a trainer and she put me on a 6 day program (with rest on the 7th). I love it! I feel stronger - I know I'm stronger - and I'm starting to see definition in my once completely undefined shoulders. Awesome, right?

I weigh in once/week and for the past two weeks, I've gained a pound or two. It's muscle, right? Does it matter? Does it work like that? Will I continue to put on weight for a while and/or lose any more body fat?

Thanks in advance. So many of my MFP friends have been extremely helpful and supportive - you're the BEST! :drinker:


  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    Pretty sure its muscle and as long as your clothes fit the same its all good.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned at all of weight gains of 5 lbs here and there. If you are going to lift regularly now you may gain a fair bit of muscle. You already have a feel of what to eat..what works for you in that department etc (may need to even up this if you want to bulk up at all). If your clothes fit the same, you feel stronger and fit that is all that matters. Might be good to hop on the scale maybe every other week or once a month now just to see whats going on there but I am sure you would also be fine if you tossed it in the trash!

    You have done SOOO great! I am glad you love lifting!
  • Always_Belle
    Always_Belle Posts: 73 Member
    It's definitely muscle!! No worries, especially as long as your clothes remain where they should (you might even go down another size with adding muscle).