Another starvation mode thread

Yesterday, when I completed my food diary, MyFitnessPal said I am not eating enough and will go into starvation mode. I've asked about starvation mode in the past and there were a few people that convinced me starvation mode is not something I should be worried about. Now my question is why does MFP talk about starvation mode when it's not true?


  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Search for threads like yours. There are literally 1000 of them.

    To add: Starvation mode does exist, its called adaptive thermogenesis. But SM does not happen overnight and not to the extent that the term is used on this website.

    SM happens when you expose yourself to a VLC diet for a lengthy time.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    It is true, but it's over a long period of time. Not 2 days.
  • oChristyo
    oChristyo Posts: 61 Member
    I don't believe it in the extent that people freak out about it. If it was such a problem then there wouldn't be so many anorexic people out there. Obviously if you have a deficit you will lose weight. Just a matter of how quickly I guess.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    All that being said - be sure you're eating enough to feed your body the energy it needs.

    There's a good reason VLC diets are discouraged.
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    If you have a deficit, you are going to lose, plain and simple. Otherwise no one would die from starvation, and anorexics would be fat. Eating very low calories may not give your body all the nutrients it needs, so if you care about being healthy it's not a good choice, but you will lose weight.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think the only reason MFP uses the term is that it is one that most people have heard, for liability issues MFP can not encourage a VLCD, these diets need to be overseen by a doctor. Trying one on your own, it would be near impossible to get all the nutrients your body needs to function and for health.

    If MFP said "You may become malnourished on this low of calories" most would ignore them, but saying what every dieter has heard for years...startles the user and makes them think. Using an extreme term in some ways protects MFP from liability. If someone eats 600 calories a day and dies from organ failure, the family can not say that MFP did not warn them of starving (lacking nutrients happens before you run out of energy (fat)). This can make MFP's lawyers happy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    MFP is basically just telling you that you're eating too little and MFP doesn't encourage VLCDs...there is no reason to net below what MFP is giving you unless you are under the care of a medical professional.

    I would also add that while starvation mode is largely exaggerated here and taken out of is very difficult to get requisite nutrients eating much less than MFP's minimum of 1200 net in a sense, you are likely starving your body of proper nutrition.

    To boot, don't be surprised if your hormones do get jacked up and your metabolism dials down as a result...not starvation mode, but when you're body isn't functioning properly it can be more difficult to lose weight and of course other pesky issues like hair loss and whatnot...